General Discussion

General DiscussionWhen is Winter Wyvern a good pick?

When is Winter Wyvern a good pick? in General Discussion

    I played some games with WW and in my opinion its a really good supporter esacially against right clickers and meepos.
    With your E you can help your carry to stay in lane and on gank attemps u can save him sometimes. Q has a good harass potenzial. The ulti is a nice stun and in teamfights you can take one enemy out and give your team time to set up there own skills (ae stuns / damage) and in the end WW needs no gold to be effective.
    But if i look the pick and win rates hes not a good choice.
    Which disatvantage has WW which i cant see?
    Are they heros which har counter him?
    And whats your opinion about him?

    Groundcontrol to Major Tom

      I think it´s a She.


        The ultimate is an excellent counter in team fights with lots of agi heroes. Splinter Blast, Cold Embrace are very situational abilities, though. Her Arctic Burn is excellent for pushing and slows.
        WW is not durable and that potato movement speed. Sometimes, you're forced to escape with your Q.

        Синячий патруль

          Against enigma FE. When u need stun that pierces bkb


            Never! that hero saves the wrong team now


              melees cores
              heroes who need to stick on oen target


                previous patch

                D the Superior
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                  Miku Plays

                    against lc to fck his duel

                    Miku Plays

                      and dont skill ulti, ur ult is ur embrace