General Discussion

General DiscussionBeast Master is shit. Captain's mode is for retarded Peruvians

Beast Master is shit. Captain's mode is for retarded Peruvians in General Discussion
meow maniac

    Beast Master literally can't do shit. His beasts are weak. His eagle only expands your view range by like 100. The stun doesn't last long enough and his damage output is just pathetic.

    And fuck captain's mode. Every game in that mode is filled with Spanish speaking Peruvians that demand Meepo & Ursa every game.

    Teamwork is the key

      Your team need a bkb pierce stun is he good for that.
      Push strategy,free ward and tp animal,solo mid or offlane,free hyperstone for your team,dewarding machine with necro and eagle.
      I mean,he needs a good team to work but it is kind of good in right hands
      Tfw BM shout a Slark that is using dark pact D:

      Teamwork is the key

        Btw in the last game you played,BS make the difference I guess. Shout in the face of that AM or Enigma must have felt good,no?
        Scouting rosh with the eagle for your Ursa? I mean,he maked the difference in those games

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            daily normal skill thread


              beastmasta owns in normal skill kid, but basically noone in normal skill plays him.

              so ez for pickoffs: find someone farming solo (no problem finding idiots doing this in normal skill), ping 1 of ur teammates, blink roar kill

              also really good to have the extra vision with wards (or effective wards) being less common in NS.

              Venus, MBA

                Hawk can act as a free Ward, and when offlaning it can prevent anyone from getting the jump on you while laning.
                Necro book combined with ulti can deal tons of damage and let's you split push well.