General Discussion

General Discussionofflane

offlane in General Discussion

    hi what is offlane hero?what r he/she doing in game actually?what is diffrent between offlane and roamer? sry im new player

    Toto téma bylo upraveno
    U are all dogshit

      Offlaners can be doing many things like roaming, jungling, bullying the safe lane, playing safe etc. It depends on the sort of matches you get, it's an important pick in the game.

      U are all dogshit

        It's the bot lane for dire and top lane for radiant. Dunno how new you are sorry 😊

        U are all dogshit

          As an offlane hero you try to make the best of a shitty situation, because the support is generally given to the position 1 hero.


            at first when i read the thread title, i thoguht i might coem and help with some advice, but apparently its... too deep. i dont even know where to start. i give up.

            Dire Wolf

              Offlane is the side opposite your own jungle. Safe lane is called that cus it's more safe for a carry to farm, it can be more easily controlled with neutral camp pulls etc, plus carries can farm that and jungle simultaneously. That's why it's setup that way.

              What you do in the offlane though varies a ton. Some offlane heroes just want to get solo experience and hit lvl 6 fast so they can do other things. Some want to harass enemy carries. Some games you'll send a carry and a support and try to win the lane and get carry farm there. It all depends on the game and hero. I've even had games where enemy team put no one offlane, they had like a mirana and a bounty hunter who just roamed, so I had free farm unopposed in my safe lane. They still won somehow, it sucked.

              Duc D - CatOnTheMoon

                Dota has 2 lanes (safe lane and offlane / hard lane). Whichever heroes go to the offlane are call offlaners. The goal of offlane heroes is to NOT DIE, get as much EXP/GOLD as possible and as a same time disturb enemy carries farming, reporting missing supports.