General Discussion

General DiscussionI am a 2k scrub, how can I get better?

I am a 2k scrub, how can I get better? in General Discussion
Why0 (3!)

    Right now I am at about 2.8 party mmr(I mostly play party with some solo every now and then) and I can never seem to break 3k for more then a week. I'd love to blame it on Peruvians and shit players but imo any amazing player can win with Peruvians. I have around 2.200 hours on DOTA and play about 5 hours a day with my goal just being to be better. Can anyone better then myself view my games and tell me what the fuck I am doing wrong? And how can I be better?

    Mors tua vita mea

      Post few replays. One with good, 1 with avg, and 1 with bad score. So ppl can see ur mystakes :)

      lm ao

        Want to play with me? I'mm making a move to US servers.

        Fuck 200 ms I'm fucking Dendi


          You have terrible last hits in most of your games. Git Gud at farming. I have the same problem. You have to get good at mechanics like Blocking, CS in lane, Aggro pulling, stacking, etc. Get good at that and you should get more MMR. Practice.


            2000 hours? Stop playing, start learning mate
            Its not about experience only, u need to watch pro player, how they play best doto
            Sry if bad english

            Синячий патруль

              If u want to get higher, u must stop picking versatile heroes. Get 2 (better if the heroes u choose r op) on each role and practice with them. Watch proplayers playing that hero

              Like a Shit

                nice Kevin W .. i think u must know what`s ur role ... if ur hard carry, u must get fast farming n look op at map .. if ur role semi carry, u must farm n help ur friend deff tower .. if ur role initiator or offlaner, u must control rune respawn .. if ur role supp, u must always bring tp for help ur friend n stack natural for ur hard carry

                sry if bad english

                Why0 (3!)

                  Whenever I play hard carry my cs in lane tends to be close to the standard 60 for every 10 mins, but whenever I play a non mid alchemist or an off laner, I roam to much to get cs, furthermore, I do watch pro players but I fear I've reached my cap of what I can learn from them without someone explaining why they do what they do

                  Why0 (3!)

                    Also, aluminum, do you have any heroes to reccomend? Right now I main pudge (which is a terrible idea, I know) so do you have any suggestions for heroes I should learn?


                      OD, Spectre, Sven.