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General DiscussionLooking for party members

Looking for party members in General Discussion
acc buyers in my team

    irl pic is right, age is wrong. Poor student is about right. Not living with my mom since i was 19. Idk about that link, i lived in Tønder back then, not sure who klicked on any link.

    -> this one is mine, it has 5.4k atm
    -> no idea why he thinks that that account is mine
    -> 4.7k atm
    -> bought for 200, resold after i only won 1 game for 400 something.

    Blunt's name on Epicnpc is "Crankgamer".
    Not true, i know the guy tho.

    and now it's 2 many links and shit. I might do the rest later, since i'm making food now xP

    However, i do recommend reading his text, since it is a nice read. His fictional Blunt is not shabby.

    Tento komentář byl upraven

      "-> bought for 200, resold after i only won 1 game for 400 something."

      Blunt finally publicly admits he bought 6k account, we're making the history here boys. What's next?


        Man, is it just me or some ppl on dotabuff are fucking insane?? Feels like again with azarkon and his bullshit theories, only thing this is far worse if wat Ming Lee's posted is true.

        acc buyers in my team

          literally EVERYONE knows ROFL. I even told YOU, are you acting dumb or are you fucking braindead? Dx

          Tento komentář byl upraven
          Dune, the Desert Planet
            Tento komentář byl smazán


              My back still hurts from this one :d


                i sucked so many dicks in that game, that was amazing


                  Lol, i actually remember that roaming Abbadon who raped us alone.

                  How is this guy still alive tho? :O 22,690 hrs on record, last played on 27 Feb

                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                    Holy shit, disease does not choose I guess! :O

                    I had hard time reading all what he did, its like some crazy scary movie...

                    Tento komentář byl upraven
                    Livin' Real Good

                      I always thought Blunt was like 5.5K MMR. I'm 4.0, i'd play, but I get to be that feeding + flaming teammate so I have no pressure. Just kidding, we talked before, you were kind of mean to me, when all I wanted was some Meepo tips. Wahh', so i'm good. Got nothing against you though cute anime girl.


                        Wtf. Why does anyone spend so much time to investigate this blunt guy. From what I'm reading it doesn't even seem like such a big deal. Like what kind of hurt is he causing man?


                          ^wave was kind of a weird guy

                          bum farto

                            Oh God not this shit again. Look lets level something out here, pure facts, stats, and more. Things to consider...

                            1. Blunt was once upon a time a low range 5K player like I am, and like so many are.
                            2. Considering how much stacking he does I am pretty sure solo ranked isn't his goal.
                            3. His idle solo on some of his older accounts sit and low/mid/high 4K depending on which one, but he was 5.2 on his main. Whether that was from his own doing or a boost I really couldn't care.
                            4. Really guys, no one should care and I was pretty sure we had all got over this long ago.

                            People give this topic way to much attention and I have since gotten over this garbage cause I have established what I feel is truth and having to make sure everyone sees my opinion is not longer a good expenditure of my time.

                            Blunt hasn't done solo in ages, he's never been established as a 6K, and he spends his time playing with friends which is how Dota2 should be played. Nothing wrong with that. I mean we all have shit going on that we're deceitful about don't act like this is outrageous cause everyone does it.

                            Tento komentář byl upraven
                            EZ MID 9k mmr

                              i liked wave. we had very nice love hate relationship, i miss him

                              6k blunt vs 900 mmr sniper:


                              Tento komentář byl upraven

                                @arin well , hes a high skill player , dont argue with him ... @Kathy to be honest , imma higher 5.xk and owned 6k easily saying ... dont show off games under very high skill level ... in case u going to check my acc stat , dont bother coz this aint my main ... i use tHis acc to feed a lot ... if u started urself in high skill games , PLS be low profile since i hv 2-6k friends .... if u can do that stats in 4k, i can assure u will immediately drop those aka carry 1st pos stat if u line up with upper 5k and lower 6k.why?coz those stat are for supporters to bully under 5k players ... i myself is a 1pos carry on my main in eu west server ... thrs no way u can show off if u team up with 6k.coz u cant do shit in our bracket.u are a 5th pos aka 1st pos hero ... and if u willing to find out if u are that good , u can find me in 6k games .. or buy a 6k acc to meet me .... then i can show u how to carry even with a supporter .... Arin .... hes right and nothings wrong with his words ... its u who cant accept the truth ... Arin ur mmr ?


                                  Kathy pls dont do the mmr cap logic , if u cant stay 100% in very high skill , u cant argue cause u alrdy loss the fights ... lets be honest , this acc ... no matter how i feed , how i throw and left games .... still VERY HIGH SKILL GAMES ... ? Why coz u dont hv to be serious with players under 5k players ... if u do u will not get far from ur mmr pool ... lets be mean , serious with noobs will make us getting weaker and play serious with pro only maintain those skills .... pls ... i hate ppl with under 5k say 1st pos ... coz they ruined every dota 2 games ... coz i boost some acc as well ... just play a supporter b4 u buy a 6k acc ... why ? Coz u d9nt hv the shit to play with 5k yet and u will shit on ur pants every single game ... 1 more thing im not flaming u ... im just here to correct u and proved arin is right .... 2nd thing is ur game only the between highh skill and very high skill ... 3rd thing is u q with ur tier players yes u can show off but hv u ever q with 6k or 5k in public match ? If u cant , mean u only q with ur tier range ... thats all ... anyway be humble is a God's child attitude and being cocky and high profile meaning u are closing with satan ... dont let satan do his job ... let love cover ur heart not this kinda cocky counter post ...

                                  Waku Waku

                                    this is entertaining l0l0l0l


                                      This game was definitely played by Blunt himself and not a booster.

                                      M1YONG PAPLO

                                        ANYONE IN SEA? lets play


                                          Reading all this it just feels so fulfilling to play this game and enjoy it wihtout thinking about all that unnecessary crap and personal deadlocks.

                                          Tento komentář byl upraven
                                          acc buyers in my team

                                            @heaven: i lol'd.