General Discussion

General DiscussionOfflane Enchantress build

Offlane Enchantress build in General Discussion
Boobs of Travel

    Tried it, and had fun. You know, running at ridiculous movespeed, hitting people from half a screen, killing them in 3 hits... Probably that being a Normal Skill game helped, but i will try her again nonetheless.
    So what are your preferences in skill\item build (assuming Dragon Lance and Aghanim are a must, and you try to max Untouchable and Nature's Attendants)
    1) Phase or Treads?
    2) Drums yay or nay?
    3) Is it worth taking early level at Enchant and go farm offlane Hard camp?
    4) Maxing enchant or stats?
    5) Late game items preference?

    For me
    1) Threads. Even though I get appeal of MOVING EVEN FASTER, and nice early game harass phase provide, more attack sped == more Impetus == I AM BECOME DEATH THE DESTROYER OF WORLDS.
    2) Yay, too much good stats especially for int hero. And you know MOVING EVEN FASTER!
    3) Hadn't tried.
    4) I honestly sack at microing, so more then 1 creep is too much for me anyway. But even in better cases, smart people will try to focus you, and stats can help you survive the burst...
    5) Okay, AC, Moon Shard, BKB, Hex are all good and understandable (Even though I struggle between hard disable or attackspeed).
    Not so conventional things include:
    Eul - MOVING EVEN ..., you know the drill. Also could be nice save. Hex is better if you can afford it.
    Bloodstone - Old school pick I guess, now this item, you know... not so good. But can be good snowball item nontheless.
    Octarine core - You will lifesteal from Impetus, am I right? And lots of hp&mana. Seems good?
    Desolator - In case you ran out of mana I guess? And to siege. Top1 ench Aui_2000 does it, who I am to talk.
    Anything else? Any tips maybe?


      U played the Hero 1nce And start asking questions, read other Posts And learn first, better then To ask straight away


        if you play offlane ench willingly you're cancer


          (disclamer: i suck at offlane and at ench specifically)
          1) if you are owning - phases, otherwise threads
          2) yay, unless you are owning, otherwise go midas or fast orchid (let your game sense guide you)
          3) you should always take one of the first two levels in enchant, very useful in offlane
          4) stats >>>>> more levels in enchant (no debates here)
          5) aghs, dragon lance, blink/force, hex/shiva, travels, skadi

          Tento komentář byl upraven

            whatever you do, do not listen to this guy


              4) Stats <<<<< 99.9 % skill points. No debates. Especially on ench - 50% slow with 12 sec cd is much better then little extra hp/mp. If you don't use full power of this skill it's your problem.


                woo hoo, so many top kek replies.

                this hero is a bit bad, cz u do same shit every game regardless of picks.

                itemization: 90% phase/10% treads, drums (always), dragon lance, aghs, [finally situational items!] moonshard/ac/hex/force/bloodstone/ghost/glimmer/shiva/blink/atos/linkens/bkb/mkb/eul. in most cases, i find myself getting moonshard, force staff, linkens, ghosts, or mkb.

                skillbuild: u take enchant on lvl1, and always have 1-2 creeps in lane, then by lvl 3 u should have 1-1-1, adjusting further skill progression depending on ur lane. in any case, u do not invest more points in enchant, so by lvl 10 u got 4-1-4-1. sfterwards, u can either get stats or more points in enchant depending on whether u need to slow ur enemies/steal chens creeps, or nah. in most cases, i find myself never using enchant on heroes, so it is not that useful.

                fighting over two blocked camps that u need is smthng very important, too, but u wont face it untill high 4ks.
                best creeps are:
                1). pink bear cz tornado zones out all the enemy safelane [hint: hide it in the trees, cz this spell can be interrupted by anu stun/silence]
                2). purple satir cz u have 6 charges of a spell with long casting range, low cd, and relatively high dmg
                3). troll, cz high rightclick dmg and net. scales well into lategame
                4). red ursa, nothing to say here
                5). centaur, stun is impossible to land unless u r using it in combo with troll
                in lategame, u might also consider a mud golem and a satir with purge which is super good against omni.

                you cant really play the hero without neutral creeps, and u dont need that much of micro to control them.
                actual laning phase is pretty simple, u just need to be agressive with ur creeps, zone safelane guys out, freefarm, get early lvl 6, and force them to completely leave the lane or feed. kinda similar to brood.
                if you ar zoned out, you can: a) farm camps; b) kill mid if you got good creeps; c) go and find pink bear that always wins u the lane.

                the key to win the game after the laning stage is to ceep farming and not get caught out of position. enemies cant rly lock ench down fast, and if they do not do it, u deal shittons of dmg in teamfights. stay back, laugh and throw impetuses; play with ur team.

                very good with BH/sb/spectre/omni (u can even lane with omni).
                very bad against WD/sky/lifestealer/visage/lina, kinda shitty against ursa in earlygame, and against zeus in midgame if you are behind.

                Tento komentář byl upraven
                < blank >

                  Ench picker dafuq, disgusting


                    im finally not picking timbersaw left and right, so im happy with that regardless


                      ^^ pick ench win, pick nyx lose, ench win, nyx lose, ench win... =p

                      i see a trend.

                      edit: ursa poops on her even late game imo. blink abyssal and you just dont have the armor/hp.

                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                        when i look at my games and picks, i dont see trends; I only see a lot of autism :/


                          same. the recurring factor in my autistic games is this idiot player named "Defianc3" so that could be a trend but idk.


                            i meant this exact thing, actually