General Discussion

General DiscussionStorm Spirit discussion

Storm Spirit discussion in General Discussion
Pale Mannie

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        I've still had the most success in lower MMR's by getting 3 pts in w and literally just sitting in the enemy jungle farming their camps and ganking whatever shows on lane


          "lower MMR"

          twizz -

            good hero i think but i love it so this is why i say this. anyway now its even harder to play perfectly but its still one of the best heroes in this game


              i loved the hero too but i literally haven't played him since the nerfs when everyone kept saying that the hero was killed by that


                good thread


                  i reandomed storm one game and instantly got antimage and beastmaster, game wa s fun for about 20 minutes


                    Shut down antimage early as well as avoid beast master when possible

                    [CS]O`Yes Daddy

                      Storm Needs Damage so If i were you, Buy Treads, Wand,Null, then rush Orchid as you can see in my profile i played storm 115 matches, got 74.78% of winning by using this handsome devil, 115 games is still not as many as sumail but i can tell you some advice from normal bracket. dont go arcane on storm it sucks really he needs huge DPS by auto attacking and some mana too so go Orchid which is a better choice, i dont go bkb on storm neither, i go Linkens right after my orchid and bloodstone, to avoid those fucking stuns from Ogre or Euls from Lina stun combo. Linken Provides more Stats than Bkb. But sometimes when im desperate to win i buy bkb for Silencer T_T. Main item build for him is Treads,Orchid,bloodstone,Linken/BkB,Shivas or hex first then some shiny Moonshards to eat then you win your game :D. I do 4-1-4-1 skill build at level 1O because it have so much STORMY DAMAGE whhooo. Btw i Still play storm at this patch even tho Icefrog nerfed this jolly fellow :D

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                        Normal Skill player tries to teach lmao


                          On waga stream i asked him how would he play storm now. He said he wouldn't, it's not viable.

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                              Bloodstone is a great first item on storm . I was trying to rush orchid when i lost my lane to get solo kills but i can't because my horrible mana pool and low hp pool.
                              I think treads is better than arcane on storm


                                Very mana-dependent like Zeus, when I tell people to go Bloodstone instead other other items, people literally talk the shit out of me.


                                  If you are talking about a single solo-pickoff situation then PT Orchid is more damage than bloodstone. But in most real game situations Arcane-Bloodstone gives you more damge because you will have the mana to keep spamming spells.

                                  If your team's strategy is going to be based on ganking, and the other team is going to have to split push it might be better to get orchid before bloodstone particularly if you are facing a hero like anti-mage who will get manta and break out of the silence easily. Since orchid has a limted window of effectiveness you have to rush it.

                                  But even if you do rush Orchid you will want to get bloodstone later for the mana pool and regen so you can sustain spell spam. The total damage you can provide in a fight is strongly limited by mana pool.

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                                      why? and what is the item progression on zeus then?

                                      arcanes lens veil blink/force refresher octarine (travels)?

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                                        Euls is good shit on Zeus


                                          yeah i guess that it's great too
                                          usually i don't know what exactly should i choose so i buy what i feel like and i win because i'm playing zeus

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                                              Arcanes are basically useless. Storm is ealisly my best hero, and arcanes just waste your time. If you properly tread switch, you should get treads. Otherwise brown boots are honestly better until you get orchid.


                                                not really, i go for
                                                bottle arcane bloodstone aether octarine refresher imo the best you'll ditch arcane and bottle and get BoT and mobility item


                                                  U GET ARCANES BEFORE BLOODSTONE TO DISASSEMBLE THEM INTO BLOODSTONE

                                                  Waku Waku

                                                    I lost it at the "Normal Skill player tries to teach lmao" comment l00l0l00l


                                                      asked waga about storm veil and he said its good on storm, if he would play it he would probably build it, but it still wouldnt make storm viable


                                                        if waga doesnt play storm then how can he say that?


                                                          he said he'd build it if he picked storm

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                                                            violet markey

                                                              He used to be good, but Volvo nerfed him. Believe me he used to be free mmr but now he's trash tier. Nerves him too much.


                                                                fairly sure necro3 rush is core on this hero.


                                                                  Yeah, Kitrap couldnt be more right. When BS is built within the first 16-17 min you pretty much always win. Sumail's build is the best imo : BS, orchid, BKB. Max q and e first (situational on which one first) and he buys orchid first when there are more than 2 easy silence targets. When he does build orchid, e is maxed first and vice versa. He also always buys PT instead of arcs, because the ball lightning overcharge spam is really good with PT and always a free kill when a remnant is landed.


                                                                    yo your build is fucking garbage what the fuck man?

                                                                    lm ao

                                                                      lol nice necro


                                                                        ive been winning a lot with storm lately and i didnt get orchid very often