General Discussion

General DiscussionInteresting/funny quotes you hear in Dota 2 Games?

Interesting/funny quotes you hear in Dota 2 Games? in General Discussion

    Techies: Invoker, roshan pls.
    *Invoker doesn't reply*
    Techies: Invoker roshan
    Techies: ROSHAN
    Invoker: I'm not Roshan, I'm Ukrainian


      ahahahah its because roshan sounds like russian and invoker through he was roshan but he not russian he ukranian

      Tento komentář byl upraven
      ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

        It gets less funny when you explain it.


          well it never was funny actually


            Hahah lmao

            Covenant of Blood

              LS inside Ursa: Blink man, Blinkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
              Ursa: activate phase Boots
              Team wiped!
              LS: Why u didn't blink?
              URSA: stf* noob, my k/d/a is better than yours.

              LS: O.O


                SEA flamer: peenoise noobs
                pinoy player: potang ina mo hindi ako noobs tanga bobo


                  "u win"
                  "who wants courier feed??"
                  -A viper 6:00 in

                  Pale Mannie

                    Zeus (me): gg
                    Earthshaker (enemy): какой блядь гг здесь
                    Zeus: :salty: ES

                    ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                      (different) Invoker: Why do I have no spells? I only see these weird orange balls around my hero.


                        100% Shit
                        1000% EZ

                        lm ao

                          putang ina nyo


                            SEA matches:
                            6:12 ?
                            6:12 dude
                            6:12 hes vack
                            22:34 guys
                            22:41 please play properly
                            25:02 best team ever
                            28:10 now blame me
                            28:11 again
                            30:55 doubel kill?
                            32:45 wp team
                            32:48 thanks for help
                            33:01 seriously
                            33:07 no one helped me
                            33:13 wow guys
                            39:36 wp team
                            39:41 excellent work

                            ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                              Anyways, people like Sniper is sad, because it's why people generalize all Russians in Dota. Not all Russians are like that!
                              Same Invoker as game above. (the "why do I see orange balls around my hero" one)
                              Drow ranger was the guy who took Riki from me once or twice. (screw you troll)
                              Commended Earthshaker

                              Invoker: I pick Invoker first. First pick Invoker. (picks Invoker)
                              Sniper: СНИПЕР МИД
                              Invoker: I'm mid
                              Sniper: СНИПЕР МИД СНИПЕР МИД СНИПЕР МИД
                              Invoker: Fuck you, therefore it is 2 mid. I do not give you mid!
                              (30 mins into the game)
                              (Sniper buys Aghanims)
                              Invoker: Who the fuck buys Aghanims on Sniper.
                              Sniper: Я делать.
                              Invoker: ???? Aghanims on Sniper. Aghanims. Sniper. Aghanims. Sniper. Aghanims. Sniper.
                              Drow ranger: Guys, I'm feeding. Who wants courier?
                              Earthshaker: Whoa bro why are you feeding?
                              Earthshaker: We can still win. Don't give up! We got it!
                              Sniper: Инвокер сосать
                              Sniper: Делать ты знает играть инвокер?
                              Riki: Что??
                              Earthshaker: Guys we can still win. Let's do it.
                              (Drow ranger feeds courier and 2 more deaths)
                              Drow ranger: I'm getting rapier now.

                              (to be continued, ran out of characters)

                              Tento komentář byl upraven
                              ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                Drow ranger: Report my team pls. NOOOOBSSSSS. Fucking noobs everywhere.
                                Earthshaker: Someone please buy wards, I'm the only ward buyer here right now.
                                Sniper: Инвокер купить вардс, нет меня.
                                Drow ranger: Guys commend me. COMMEND ME PLS, report my team.
                                Drow ranger(all chat to enemy team): Commend me, i helped you guys
                                Drow ranger: you win
                                Sniper: репорт Инвокер
                                Invoker: muted everyone

                                (40 minutes into game)
                                Drow ranger: 3 russians on team. gg we lose.
                                Earthshaker: bro, man, don't be racist.
                                Drow ranger: Riki with dagon gg
                                Drow ranger: Invoker with only phase boots gg
                                Drow ranger: Sniper with aghanims and brown boots gg
                                Riki: I know how to play Riki, I have 18 klls
                                Drow ranger: kill steal kill steal i have 4 assists. 4 assists fuck you kill steal riki dagon. I could have had 4 more kills.
                                Riki: lol I have 12 assists omg
                                Riki: Drow has so many assists
                                Riki: she has 4
                                Riki: you see how many assists she has?
                                Riki: she clearly needs more kills
                                Riki: 4 fucking asssists

                                ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                  Riki: with 4 assists you might as well be support lol
                                  Riki: you dont know how to play drow
                                  Riki: Do you even ever ult
                                  Riki: what are you talking about
                                  Riki: you have no kills cuz you don't do anything
                                  Drow ranger: I am the carry, I need more kills.
                                  Riki: we have 35 kills on the team and you are only a part of 5 of them
                                  Riki: i had enough of players like you
                                  Riki: you're so annoying
                                  Riki: all you care about is Killsteal


                                    ^ I call bs on this, I mean who talks like that, but ksing phantom riki is still too fun too read, like some comedy act


                                      ^^The riki in that game sounds so annoying i'd hate to be that guy -__-

                                      ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                        There's still more, I just was in class so I didn't have time to type them out. This was on a level 3 smurf account by the way.

                                        Riki: its not fair
                                        Riki: i get people like you on my team all the time and im sick of it
                                        Riki: "omg ks omg ks" wah wah wah bs
                                        Drow ranger: People tell you you ks a lot because you Ks a lot
                                        Riki: or stop caring about ks
                                        Riki: it doesnt matter
                                        Riki: im the carry anyways
                                        Drow ranger: im carry
                                        Drow ranger: i called it first
                                        Sniper: инвокер нуб
                                        Riki: you're no carry
                                        Riki: 1/12/4 isn't carry

                                        ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                          Riki: if you knew how to play you would have finished them off first
                                          Riki: but you suck so i ks you
                                          Riki: so the gold goes to a good player
                                          Riki: i have 5 smurfs
                                          Earthshaker: Guys pls stop arguing, someone needs to buy wards. We can still win this.
                                          Drow ranger: I would be doing better if I had more than 1 kill.
                                          Drow ranger: Sniper why choose english if you don't speak english
                                          Drow ranger: and why did you buy aghanim
                                          Drow ranger: how do we win with that
                                          Drow ranger: 1 item Invoker phase boots

                                          (enemy wins)
                                          Drow ranger: gg report my team
                                          Sniper: Репорт инвокер нуб
                                          Drow ranger: commend me

                                          (I cut out a lot of Invoker quotes and some early game Sniper quotes. I cut out a lot of my nonfunny quotes too.)

                                          Tento komentář byl upraven
                                          Livin' Real Good

                                            *Earth shaker, Spectre, and Lion lane ask for gank bottom cause they're having a very hard time against Undying and Lich dual offlane*

                                            *I gank bottom as Queen of Pain when i'm level 7, cause i stayed for an extra level cause i was a bit behind farm cause of having a hard mid lane against an OD who also had a Mirana firing arrows at me helping him all early game*

                                            *I kill the undying and Lich with queen's ult, Lich almost got away, but my shadow strike ticked him to death behind his tower*

                                            I say: There you go, now stop bitching

                                            I take one last hit from bottom lane just cause I thought Spectre wasn't gonna get it, then I TP back to mid

                                            Spectre says: WTF dumb queen stealing last hits, report queen
                                            Lion says: I saw, dumb queen, ganks bottom all late, 15 mins into the game (when in reality it was only like 8 mins in...)

                                            I get reported the end, we still win, and i go like 12-4 or something.


                                              ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!! really fun read hahahaha I have players like that drow in my games too and some people who go sange and yasha on ld bear

                                              ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                Invoker and Sniper were annoying too, but I cut out a lot of their quotes because it took too much space and also their kind of annoying isn't very funny.

                                                ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                  Another game:

                                                  Sniper: if i dont get mid im feeding courier