General Discussion

General DiscussionMMR Help :(

MMR Help :( in General Discussion

    Hello dotabuff. I have been in MMR hell for 6 months + now because i decided to calibrate my MMR right when i got the chance. I have tried and tried again to bring my solo mmr up to at least 1,000 but each game in low mmr there is usually a disconnect, feeder, or simply a bad game unless I get lucky. I got up to 450 recently but now I have plummeted back down to 190. Anyone have suggestions on strategies i could use to pull myself up? I feel like the number makes me look like a bad player when it was really just a low level mistake.


      Rofl can u just focus on improving instead of creating million smurfs?


        190 , wow. You need to watch higher level games from the players perspective. Also try support more and ask for good lane combos. I have no idea what 190mmr looks like. Surely invis heroes are unstoppable.




            I mean i dont have terrible k/d/a ratios in my games it just seems like bad luck. last ranked game silencer 10-6 we got their tier 3 but then our hard carry died and we all fell and they ended quick. Its just games like that. And what do you mean by a million smurfs?? XD

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              Pretty sure u need to read guides and watch how to play videos. By million smurfs I mean dont go and create million by trying to get higher mmr.

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                Dude this aint counter strike. Ur kda means shit its all about how much impact can u make.


                  KDA is meaningless


                    well of course, just pointing out im not running in and feeding. got any videos that you think would help or shall i just search on youtube?

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                      Watch Purge on YouTube


                        Just uninstall Dota 2


                          Purge, proffesorfierce, dotacinema. Some videos are out dated but most are fine.


                            AsHe$ helpful! Nah im good tho Thanks for the suggestions!


                              yeah watch purge he has many videos for new players to improve


                                well, i really havent been in ur position before but if i may suggest u to only spam the hero that u r best at in mmr game, and improvize with the item choices depending on what enemy heroes u encounter in ranked games. For instance, if u r good in riki, spam that hero and learn to improvize with the item choices, u dont go riki dagon or sangeyash like every game u pick riki...try manta when enemy got lots of orchid holder, diffusal when enemy got bh or slar to counter u or bkb when enemy have lots of magic nuker. Best of luck to increase ur mmr, cheers.


                                  Thanks S7!

                                  HELP me



                                      Get BETTER dude. Yes, if you were actually any good, you would stomp those matches. 100last hits with AM in 40+min game? Learn how to last hit properly, then learn all the hero spells and ranges. Then start watching god damn minimap so you dont die 13 times as AM. And then you will maybe become a bit better player.Also watch good players play cause i'm sure you have no clue how to play thrm at this mmr.

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                                        Hey RISKI ... I have a perfect solution for u. If u are 190 mmr - then make it 1 mmr. DO you know how much is such account actually worth ? I bet at least 100 EURO. Sell it and make new acc.


                                          lex is right, very low rated accs can be sold for a rather high price. u can use epicnpc web site to do it.


                                            why would one buy such account lol?


                                              MMR hell is a mindset, not a bracket.


                                                I started out at 300 mmr, now I'm 2.5k. Get good



                                                  Because people want to play as a god amongs men. Smurfing, heard of it? :p

                                                  Can you post screenshot? I mean, 190 must be very rare, thats like being one of the top pros but from the other end of the mmr ladder.


                                                    Alright I have just about 500 matches so I'm not a VERY experienced player. I will be playing my top 10 best heroes for the next week in order to get it up. Thanks for the kind suggestions and I try to "get good" I play not matches with friends and such.


                                                      @Thunderyard there's plenty of players in low MMR like me, find matches really quick.


                                                        So what if you get a big losingstreak which happens to everyone every now and then. If you lose like 9 times you are 0 mmr? But you have a good winrate so far with your games as omni. Just mute all if teammates bring you down, make sure to be in fights, repel heal ulti if 5v5~ and get some mmr, would work but its easier said then done because omniknight is a true horror to play, very boring even when he wins most his games.


                                                          And watch videos, I watched alot of Purge when I started to play dota2 and its nice, both for item builds and skillbuilds because in your games I can see many players skillbuilds just very weird and that is huge pre level 11 to have a decent allround skillbuild to go with.


                                                            Yes I like playing omniknight. he has worked for me in ranked matches before. I honestly don't mind being bored as long as it brings my MMR up. At least equal to my team mmr 1.5k


                                                              "I have been in MMR hell for 6 months + now because i decided to calibrate my MMR right when i got the chance"

                                                              that is not the reason. you are just not good at the game. if you had decided to play a couple hundred more games before calibrating, you would still be at the same mmr because you are not improving at the game, because you are at the stage of unconscious incompetence - you do not realise your own lack of skill so you do not try to fix your mistakes. you think that the reason your skill rating is so low is because your teammates are dragging you down, when the fact of the matter is, if you are against 5 enemy players who are less than 1000 mmr, you'd have to be awful at the game to not be able to win more often than not against players who are basically retarded.

                                                              your teammates are going to be shit, but so are your enemies. if you are truly better than all of the other 9 players in the game, then you should have a better chance of winning, because the enemy will have 5 players that are going to make game losing mistakes, while your team should in theory have only 4, assuming you're not one of them. if your skill rating is accurate, then you should have a 50% winrate in the long run because that's what is expected when 5 equally skilled players play against 5 other equally skilled players.

                                                              luck has no effect on your mmr in the long run. you may get losing or winning streaks if you look at a sample of say, 10 games, yeah it is possible to have bad or good luck for a few games, but over the course of hundreds or even thousands of games, those lucky (or unlucky) streaks have no effect on the end result of your mmr. if you truly believe that your current mmr is lower than it should be because you've got really bad luck, just do some research on probability theory.

                                                              TL;DR, anyone who is actually better than the mmr number displayed in-game should have no trouble reaching their theoretical 'true' mmr.

                                                              to answer your question about how to improve your mmr, get better at the game, and to do that, first realise your mistakes, then correct them. mistakes are bad decisions, good plays are good decisions. skill is basically how often you make good decisions compared to making bad ones. that can be anything from last hitting timing, to item choices, skill point choices, where you choose to move, skill and item usage, who you choose attack, et cetera. every action that you make in this game is a decision that is either right or wrong, watch your own replays and figure out what you're doing wrong, and correct it.

                                                              decisions that are easily identifiable as right or wrong are missing kills, and deaths.

                                                              every death is caused by a decision (or multiple decisions) made on your part that were incorrect. figure out what you're doing wrong, and then remember not to make the same mistake the next game you play.

                                                              same with kills. if you miss a kill, would a different item or skill build have gotten the kill? or maybe it's just because you didn't have enough items to get the kill, in that case your incorrect decisions would be missing last hits and choosing to spend time running around the map looking for kills instead of spending that time hitting creeps instead.


                                                                Thank you Androgynous that honestly helped. I do make plenty of mistakes and I take notes on my iPad of them. But honestly thanks for the quite motivational criticism

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                                                                  If you want to improve fast, at least this works for me, spam 1 hero many games like 20 in a row or something then move to the next and do this for every hero you like and then you should focus on something else like 1v1 mechanics, how to farm efficiently and other stuff to get even better with those heroes.


                                                           climbing on up???

                                                                    sopa en mi yolk

                                                                      At your mmr, playing techies is very viable, no one knows the definition of sentry wards and gems, and sometimes quelling blades destroying bombs

                                                                      Or just spam supports like omniknight, Every team needs one, so be the idol of the match of getting reported when you repel the enemy instead of your dying teammate

                                                                      But really, just play supports when your team needs one, you'll be sure to win against 5 carries at your skill