General Discussion

General DiscussionAnyone know what EE said?

Anyone know what EE said? in General Discussion
Putins Price Hike

    After they beat EG. He said something the crowd went crazy for, but of course this major even has bad translators.


      he was speaking in cantonese. the translators translate mandarin. they're two different dialects of the chinese language

      I think they were just surprised he could speak chinese, I was.



        He said basically that he can speak Chinese too and the translator couldn't quite follow with what he was saying.

        source - am canton speaker

        Tento komentář byl upraven

          q: about the double rapier arteezy
          a: he said they were ahead by alot early game but after they they (he?) played very badly and resulted in an hour long game


            he said he can speak cantonese, but it's hard to. he said we hould have won the game early but we played badly, which is why the game lasted an hour

            or somethinig like that

            Tento komentář byl upraven

              Oh is that it? Well, I'm not surprised he can speak Chinese dialects seeing he's a Chinese Canadian.

              lm ao

                mfw when i read this thread

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  What kind of retarded language has two dialects that can't even understand each other. And they are spoken in the same country as well.

                  lm ao

                    Welp china is certainly big

                    acc buyers in my team

                      a lot of languages tbh.

                      For example a guy from southern denmark is unable to communicate with a danish guy from copenhagen if both speak with their dialects. Same with german. Hell even english can be butchered by a dialect to the point you won't be able to understand the other person



                        There's chinese, the arabic languages (AFAIK, they can understand each other if they write their formal speech), english if you go to isolated enough places, Italy has more dialects than it's healthy for a country of it's size, Spain and Germany too... If you lump together all romance languages, they also work like chinese and arabic...

                        Dire Wolf

                          Cus china is huge, india is same way. I think only america is really unique in that a huge majority can understand each other. Only a couple dialects are hard to discern and then it's usually only certain words and if they are very strong like creole and maybe some deep south.

                          It's not like crazy irish/welsh/whatever from snatch where he's speaking english but no one can understand him.

                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                            ^ America is not unique dude. Every spanish speaker will understand each other regardless of the dialect, French speakers can too, as much as they hate to admit it and both languages are spoken in SEVERAL several countries. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

                            If you are meaning a single country that big with a huge majority that can understand each other, wrong again, Russia is bigger and probably has even less understanding problems.


                              Have to say I really like EE more, both after watching that game and the interview. EE is the like the person most likely to win or lose for team, but that's life as hard carry. I thought he was pretty embarrassed during interview because he knew he fucked up a lot -- the dive off the cliff was one of the worst moves by any pro I've seen. Others were forgetting about Nyx, not good but more understandable.

                              Still obviously nice guy and I think his talent make it worth his sometimes crazy moves. He is, as the Chinese apparently like to call him, an artist.

                              Dire Wolf

                                They have ways to understand each other, there is an official common tongue. I'm just saying dialects aren't that weird, look at the size, you're basically comparing to an area in europe where there are like 5 countries. European countries with their own languages/multiple languages and dialects are like the size of US states and chinese provinces. I'm sure russia has dialects too and french canadian is a lot different than france french right?


                                  @Dire Wolf
                                  I don't think there are any dialects of russian language after unification we had in schools during USSR age.


                                    I'm from little 2 million country called Slovenia and hell - even we have 2 dialects (from 10+) nobody can fuckin understand xD

                                    No giggities?

                                      Well i'm a french speaker from Canada and i can barely understand African's french.


                                        It's important to note Cantonese and Mandarin are actually two different, albeit similar, languages. If one wrote Cantonese down in Chinese, it would actually not make sense as there are some differences in grammar too, not just pronunciation.

                                        Basically, China was not always unified, and was at many times a collection of states constantly at war with each other, constantly vying for dominance, much like medieval Europe. China's unification can be seen as equivalent to the formation of the EU, only much earlier in history. So yes, there are many dialects, in the same way that Europe has many different but again related languages.

                                        Whilst Mandarin was used as the official language for governmental people (the 'mandarins'), 1) it was never mandated as the language taught in schools before the Communist Party took over and 2) rates of school attendance were much lower pre-communist China anyway. These two factors meant that people before the cultural revolution had a good chance of not speaking or understanding Mandarin. Now, as you may know, some of the greatest atrocities in human history occurred in the Cultural Revolution, so many Chinese people fled the country, most of them from the south who found passage via Hong Kong and who, importantly, were probably never taught Mandarin. This is why Chinese people who left during this time period, and their offspring, such as EE, do not speak or understand Mandarin.

                                        Nowadays, everyone that isn't quite old speaks Mandarin in China. I've visited tiny farming communities that barely constitute a village and none of them had trouble communicating with me. This is of course if you discount Hong Kong, where they view Mandarin as some sort of evil Communist language and fiercely reject attempts to make it mandatory.


                                          love your stream dude, but i dont think youre toxic enough to survive this game :P


                                            pretty sure thats a fake


                                              I guess he can speak negongo ultrarampagingly Gud



                                                Spain has it :p

                                                @Fligg, it's not dialect though, but yeah african have one of the worst (if not the worst) accent. And on top of that they have some weird rythm in their speech (and wrong stress) which make it even harder to understand.
                                                In addition some village in the top north of france might actually surpass this shitness of accent.

                                                Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                  why the fuck are u fakenicking khezu lol


                                                    ddsama fakenicks illidan :facepalm:


                                                      the more comments i read, the more confused i become


                                                        DD cant get 7k guys HAHAHA HES LOSING STREAK AGAIN XD


                                                          @Sam: I have no idea where you're from, but as many have explained, there are a lot of dialects that can't be understood by the main language especially since most are already considered sub-languages of their own.

                                                          I myself speak a chinese dialect and cannot understand any of the other dialects/languages save for mandarin because I know a little of that. Also, if you know your geography, it shouldn't be surprising that Chinese people not from HK can't understand cantonese since they are geographically separated from the mainland.

                                                          lm ao

                                                            Confusing lels, when its really that dialects make up families of language, and they are relative to each other usually by morphological and phonological properties (but still speech structure is familiar across almost all dialects). You know that the factor that creates linguistic variation is mainly topographical isolation right?

                                                            Also America, lulz its barely culturally based, pre-American culture is almost dying in comparison to Merican bullshit we see in movies and TV today

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