General Discussion

General DiscussionGroup hotkeys

Group hotkeys in General Discussion

    What do you guys use? i'm looking for some inspiration to customize mine. I use 12345T for items.


      i use space d f c z t for items and 1 2 3 4 5 groups
      only if meepo or hero that requires group
      otherwise my items are space 1 2 C Z T


        WASD - move camera. (dont judge, i played DotA 2 coming straight from first person shooters)
        123456 - Skill
        QEFXCV - Items

        Easy for me, but makes me look like a piano player when I have a high maintenance hero.


          In first person shooters, you move the camera by moving the mouse too..


            Aye, but in FPS you don't see a courser like you do in MOBA's or RTS's. I have always been accustomed to WASD panning the camera.

            Tento komentář byl upraven

              QWERDF- Abilities

              Mouse 4&5 Space ZXC and V for quickcast - Items

              123 - Hero & Units

              F1 F2 F3 - Courier

              In first person shooters you move your view/weapon with the mouse and WASD for moving.

              Zorthax Dorn

                Mouse button middle - select Group
                Key 6 - Select all & Hero
                Key A - Select only hero.
                Key F6 - Courier

                QWES for Map control
                Skills 1,2,3 keys #1,2,3
                Key D - Ultimate

                Then an array of letters for item usage.

                Tento komentář byl upraven

                  When I play naga I give each illusion a group 1234 and manta illusions are 5

                  Meepo i group them into groups of 2 and the main meepo is 1

                  Got my items on alt+qweas and space for blink

                  I play quickcast