General Discussion

General DiscussionAuto Attack off/on

Auto Attack off/on in General Discussion

    Just wondering, what setting is better for you guys?

    I played Dota 1, so I can't get rid of legacy, however, today I decided to disable auto attacking(auto attack after spells is still on tho).

    While it seems way easier to control the lane and lasthit, I have hard time adjusting that now, I have to click things around me in order to attack.

    So sometimes I end up doing nothing at all, because I'm used to hero to auto-attack creeps or heroes when they are nearby.

    Since I've been playing with auto-attack ON since the begging, I'm still not static on the lane, so I'm not vunerable to extra attacks.

    I still move around, and try to cancel-animation if I want to last-hit. It just gets harder sometimes, because hero does not auto attack now.

    Anyways.. do you guys see any benefits when it comes to auto attack ON?

    Apart from illusion based heroes, ofc.


      i think its easier to lasthit with autoattack but i just like to control my hero more so i dont use it


        just practice in lobby for 10 min before game and u will adjust



          I played for whole day and I still can't adjust. I actually think it's easier to last hit without auto attack. At least it's easier for me.


            im used to have it switched off
            the best way to go is to bindtoggle it and switch whenever needed

            Tento komentář byl upraven

              For supports, it should always be off.

              For heroes who actively seek last hits, it's up to the player's preference, but the most popular trend is to switch it off.


                I have it to autoattack after spells only.


                  Keeping it on can have its pros as when someone is joking you through trees, being in range, your hero will initiate attack and revealing the position of enemy.

                  But, I keep it off. I have my little finger on 'a' always to attack. Gives me independence and comfort when I want to deny creep/tower/ally.


                    ^u can just a-click when u r chasing someone in trees, and the result will be the same without having autoattack on


                      Keeping it on has a lot of cons.
                      Take coL's Io for example, the guy just warded and hit another hero while he was hidden in trees, autoattack gave away his location and bam... DED.


                        @triple, I mean when you can't see and have been juked. Just as what Chaoshype has written above. You could even cancel TPs once you get in range of auto attack revealing the position of enemy in trees.


                          @shred - I faced the same thing a year back or so. Eventually ull get used to the auto attack being off and maintaining lane equilibrium becomes easier as well , it might take a week or 2 to get used to it. Auto attack after spell is very useful though. Also with auto attack on its easier to attack the right hero in a team fight and not waste time in attack cancel animation if ur hero is going to attack creeps, am I right?

                          The Laughing Man

                            Keep it off, if you are familiar with DotA Allstars and other such wc3/sc maps then you should know pressing A then clicking will give a move attack command, making auto attacking completely inferior. Go in to your reborn options and turn on the ability to attack creeps just by clicking on them and once you get used to it you will improve drastically as a player.

                            Dune, the Desert Planet

                              Anyone saying that auto attack will mess up creep equilibrium, last hits or hitting correct target in a fight cannot control their own hero. Or, in other words, lacks the absolute basic skill for DotA.


                                @Cersei Lannister
                                As triple said a-click does exactly the thing you are talking about, with the exception that you are in "control" of your hero. If you a click in an area the hero will start moving towards that area and attack the nearest target (if there is one)


                                  ^I know. It's just a scenario. I don't even keep auto-attack on if you read my comment.


                                    No, auto attack on is god awful in most scenarios. It is literaly a bit less annoying version of when your team has a player who disconnected and two people are fighting over control. Besides using it in lane will literaly only contribute to pushing out the lane mindlessly, the only reason to leave it on would be to look around the map if you can keep focus on how much health the creeps are most likely to have while you check other lanes for maximum efficency, however you are most likely not to get the dream scenario anyway which makes it horse shit.


                                      U alway have an A-click, smart attack and etc.


                                        Before I used to turned the auto attack on because of old habit in dota 1. But turning it to off seems to improve my lasthit/deny greatly.


                                          ive always had it off since the beginning of time

                                          not that ive played dota 1