General Discussion

General DiscussionRegarding Phantom Assassin

Regarding Phantom Assassin in General Discussion
wait for me

    So why isn't this hero popular in any pro tournament?? We all have played her and we know for sure she has a huge impact in the late game. However, the pros don't seem to like her. Why is that??

    Johnny Salami

      Do you really want to risk 1 million dollars on a 25% chance to crit?

      Pale Mannie

        Retarded 2 button hero easlily countered by mkb and nukes

        Pale Mannie

          And unreliable crit

          < blank >



              that's what ppl said when she was meta
              idk but i'd rather fit her as mid-slightly late game carry


                game losing hero


                  definetely among 20 weakest heroes of this patch

                  Dire Wolf

                    Ok keep in mind pros hate almost all melee carries. Pros gravitate towards reliable heroes with mobility and/or disables and higher skill caps. Also farm, team fight presence.

                    A hero has to have a niche or pros won't pick them. Sven gets picked cus he simply farms like a baddass and has huge team fight presence. Ember gets picked for same reasons as sven but in addition has big mobility. Jug gets picked cus he has a really good heal and ult, is reliable and comes online fast. Spectre gets picked cus she's op. Other than those two almost no melee carries get picked. Slark does sometimes situationally, as do lycan and lone druid, but the latter two are pushers not traditional hard carries. Pl and AM were waaay less popular at Shanghai and AM is a farm hero with mobility, PL has a wicked escape and hard to counter if you band out his counters. Tiny still gets picked a bit but it's almost always with wisp combo.

                    What does PA have that's attractive? The dodge is REALLY good for the first ~15 mins of a game but that's it. Her dmg isn't reliable, she has to go battlefury to farm well at all, and she's countered easily by items and heroes. I don't get why pubs pick her over jug or sven either, and pros aren't different.

                    Livin' Real Good

                      I checked your games (im not a bracket elitist) but you being normal skill probably explains it. PA IS NOT A GOOD LATE GAME carry, her ult's based on chance, and most REAL carrys can out carry, for example, all Slark would just need is a Monkey King Bar and a Skadi, and he can probably beat her out even if she's one item ahead of him, or even two items. She only has "super" impact in low MMR games cause she's braindead easy to play (one of the easiest actually) and they tend to just stand wide in the open for easy dagger blink kills. lol

                      Pro's also like to team fight alot and ARE EXTREMELY coordinated, if this was let's say 6.84? Her ass would be magically nuked, analized before she even got a crit off, she sucks against magic damage.

                      I remember when I was 1.9K thinking PA was the best character in the game, cause of how easy she was. lol

                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                        The buff to silver edge kills PA. Without passives she's just a melee creep with a slow


                          How is she a late game hero. Most carries easily rape her with mkb/silver edge


                            Even Rod Of Atos counters her now . 60% evasion reduction.

                            wait for me

                              @We Not Tilting Today Boys!

                              I'm personally not a big fan of PA because if only one supp buy hexhex, she is dead meat. But god, it's really hard to play a single game without her in my skill bracket.


                                PA is just weak rn

                                Pale Mannie

                                  Im normal skill too and i dont see that many PA's since 6.84. Russian kids finally have learned that PA is shit



                                    pa was 5.4k, i think average mmr 5k flat

                                    it's definitely not an obsolete hero, very powerful situationally when enemy don't have mkb carriers.


                                      retarded shit hero that works in brain dead normal skill pubs. plz delete hero. very stupid hero concept

                                      A waifu a day keeps socie...

                                        Slark can't beat a PA with 1 item ahead of him, let alone 2.

                                        Dire Wolf

                                          They should increase the chance for her ult to like 25% and Reduce the dmg to like 150/250/350. That would actually be a dmg increase at rank 4 and more reliable. Then make the dodge also increase armor by 2/4/6/8 so it's not worthless once enemies get mkb.

                                          waku waku

                                            shit carry would hook, rot & dismember


                                              too reliant on RNG and less on skill than other carries. early game, RNG can mean the difference between killing 3 heroes and dying instead, even if in those two scenarios exactly the same plays are made. which is a massive deal, early.