OD cuz his counters are shit atm compared to spec just getting Sven'd or morph'd down
Od is 52.55% in 5k+, Spectre 54.47% in same bracket idk what TriplseSteal is talking about XD
He is saying if specttre is picked first or second he is more likely to get countered by a decent hero than od is .
^Anyone who can stand their ground against spectres onslaught is the logic I think. Although I personally think spectre fucks everyone because of the insane impact.
I first or second pick spectre alot, and I have a decent winrate with him. He don't really have a set hero counter. You can't really run into something with spectre and think "oh fuck". Like OD vs Pugna or something that has a true counter to.
I know hes a she but I don't give a flying fuck because hes my boy
OD much better at soloing a lane than spectre, spec needs suppport to secure farm otherwise hes ez food; so i guess in that way OD is a safer pick.
however i don't think either are safe picks for 1 or 2 because its important to secure low gold/xp heroes first in pubs to give your later picks flexibility
Spectre is a legit OP as fuck hero that basically can't lose if played properly. OD is just a shitty ranged creep with pure damage.
i feel quite comfortable as enchantress against od as long as i got access to neutral camps and there is no trilane involving omni/cm/mirana or some other shit that hurts ench
natures prophet is kinda ok, too, but he doesnt win the lane unlike ench; he just gets some farm
How can NP get some farm if OD instakills treants? Unless you are talking about jungling him on the secret shop camp.
probably OD cus spectre is more reliant on supports, but OD needs to snowball to win, he has shit tower dmg, wipes entire teams but needs team to actually follow up with push. So it's a tough call, both fine for first picks.
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Which is the safer 1st or 2nd pick?