General Discussion

General Discussionhow to get below 1k mmr

how to get below 1k mmr in General Discussion

    by feeded and throwed very thick can i am getted below 1k mmr? apologising my baded english


      git bet

      Tento komentář byl upraven

        cummon dun joked. i am verying seriousness


          dont kill creeps or towers or heroes
          be a useless pile of shit


            play normally

            you all cant carry me

              Pick riki and stay in base ez -25mmr


                Problem is on your first match you went 24-3-15 which triggered smurf detection and sent you into higher skill brackets.

                What I like to do is queue the first match in limited heroes mode, that way you can start out on a bad note and not have other people care. Afk in lane, don't get any cs, dont get any kills or assists if possible.

                Then start queuing normal and just continue to afk. I find riki is the easiest since you can just sit in mid lane and then tab out for a good long while. It's a good idea to buy a basi ring to start so you can help counter push because everyone will be pushing your lane from the get go. Upgrading to a vlads helps provide more counterpush. Eventually when the mid lane towers fall you'll have to move command on to creeps so that you continue to get exp.

                An alternative for when you are too lazy to watch through an entire game is to just get necrophos, go stand in the jungle near a creep camp but not blocking it, then just stand there. Getting a shadow amulet helps ensure you aren't picked off by a hero randomly wandering nearby. Be careful if there is a zeus though, they will all just go aghs refresher and this will end up killing you and you'll get an abandon because you will be sent back to the fountain. Had to grind more than a couple of low prio games because of this.

                That said even with this method you'll struggle to get below 1k. I've tried several times and you usually give up before too long and just end up stomping them all for 20 games in a row (then you get started to match against 2k players). The only one where I made it to unlock ranked by afking all game was this seanevvie account - - and the first calibration match put me in an average 1.3k game.

                I mean honestly if you can get 1.3k just by afking as riki or necrophos with an average gpm of 230 and kda of 1~ I have no idea how you are meant to calibrate lower.

                yak T -i-


                  Firend of mine

                  1 solo rank mmr