General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp and advice for my ranked matches?

Help and advice for my ranked matches? in General Discussion
Jacques Lacan

    I play on the AU server mainly, I've been playing ranked for a while now but it always seems to be a disaster. I calibrated at 1.3k which I was happy with since I'm not the best player around, got to 1.4k and suddenly dropped by 300 mmr. I win every once in a while but every single time there's a troll/intentional feeder/pinoy dude talking shit about us and it just pulls me back down. I've heard some peeps saying that I should just keep spamming the heroes I'm good at but there always seems to be absolutely no supports, no wards, no couriers and we lose easily.

    I'm not trying to reach 9k or some bullshit like that, I just want to see which bracket I really belong. Help?

    p.s. how do some people climb 1k - 4k in half a year? it baffles me


      git gud

      Venus, MBA

        Play supports that can sustain your carries, and do decent in team fights, such as Dazzle, Abaddon, and Omniknight. If you want a hero that can support and carry if needed, play necrophos. Rush Guardian greaves, aghs and blink on Necro and you can do really well.

        Tento komentář byl upraven
        Venus, MBA

          Also, don't go playing matches in low tiers with the attitude that you "Belong in higher brackets." Treat each match as a learning experience, look back on your mistakes, slips, and what you can improve on, and you'll eventually reach higher mmr.

          yak T -i-

            Be a support, buy ward cour sent and everything, learn how to play es, always thinking of him in your breakfast, lunch, dinner, sleeping, dream, bath and every single of your blowing breath like i did. 1 weeks after that at least you can play like i did. Im new in dota 2, i play HoN before

            Tento komentář byl upraven

              Let's assume you are playing Anti Mage.. You need to farm your jungle.. But then in your situation, you go farm 1 creep camp, and then you're worried if the LC in the opposite team is gonna duel you.. So you back off.. Every minute you clear 2 earn barely 250 gold a minute..
              And then there would be another Anti Mage in your team the next game.. He would be a sensible person.. He would be a not so selfish person.. He will spend 150 coins every 7 minutes to place a few wards in his jungle to make sure the opposite team LC is not gonna duel him.. He farm happily for 7 minutes, gets all creep camps and the lane and maintains a GPM of 500, minus the 150 coins he spent on the wards though.. But the 150 coins won't matter then :)

              Jacques Lacan

                This has still been an absolute one-sided shitshow.


                  but there always seems to be absolutely no supports, no wards, no couriers and we lose easily.

                  core players can buy wards or the courier themselves if needed. you are more likely to lose the game because the team does not have the courier than because your next item was 100g further away.

                  wards cost 75g each and if they allow you to farm because you have vision of the enemy team so you know they're not smoking or they allow you to get away from a kill attempt, they've already more than paid for themselves.

                  if there's no supports, play the support yourself. and I know you're going to make up this bullshit excuse that if you play support the carry is going to be bad, because everyones heard of that excuse.

                  I just want to see which bracket I really belong

                  if you're "stuck" in a bracket, that's where you belong. because if you cannot beat your current opponents more often than you lose to them, then you are not going to fare better against players who are better than them. if you're winning half your games then that means the skill rating of all 10 players in the game are more or less equal. if you put 2 equally skilled teams against each other you'd expect a 50-50 winrate. if you cannot completely stomp 1k players who are basically retarded, then how do you expect to win against 2 or 3k players who at least know the basics of the game, and that's being generous to 2-3k players.

                  Jacques Lacan

                    i do buy support items n shit when no one is buying them, but I can only have so much gold when it's a complete fucking stomp.

                    just got stuck with cliff jungling drow that fed 0-8 while saying "I fight you don't". it's just really stupid, I find. if anything can you tell me what I did wrong? I really want to git gud so to say. I only play like 3 months every year so I can't really keep up with all this shit


                      just ignore the morons. there is gonna be a lot of them but there's hardly anything you can do about it so you'll do better if you pay attention to yourself rather than to other people in your team


                        you remember the times when someone on your team fucked you over but you don't remember the times when you win because there's someone doing stupid stuff on the enemy team. instead you attribute it to your own skill. this is perception bias.

                        assuming you're not also doing stupid crap like cliff jungling ancients or whatnot, then that means out of the 9 other players that you are matched with, there is a 4/9 chance of a griefer being on your team and a 5/9 on the enemy team.

                        if you play infrequently expect to lose mmr when you come back to the game, because you're going to play worse, and mmr reflects your ability to win games, aka skill.

                        your peak mmr doesn't mean shit either. like if you play 50 games and win 30/50, which results in a 250 mmr gain, that doesn't necessarily mean you're going to win 300 out of the next 500 games that you play. you can explain those extra 5 wins over the expected value due to the low sample size. you haven't magically become a better player with faster reflexes just because the number displayed ingame increased.


                          In point of fact you have not been "spamming heroes you are good at". You have been playing a lot of heroes you don't play well.

                          To learn a hero to the best of your ability requires spamming it. When I wanted to learn a hero years ago and was just starting to play dota I would play it 50 or 100 games in a row. You need to get good enough at it that you never spend time during the game thinking about what to do. Everything should be doing what you automatically know is a good choice and have done before to succeed.

                          If you have not learned a hero well enough that you can act without thinking and succeed then you don't really know it yet. You can't achieve this level of familiarity by playing lots of heroes. Sure some games are unwinable, but if you were really much better than your level you would win any game that was close.


                            Whats your steam? I'd like to offer a proposal.

                            Waku Waku

                              find some friends who are in the 2k 3k range and game with them, it should somewhat gauge for you if you belong in the 2k 3k or u are just being carried by them.