General Discussion

General DiscussionHave we forgotten how to have fun in doto?

Have we forgotten how to have fun in doto? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    What can u say about the guise playing in d vid? Did we forget already the fun in dotes? Tots.

    the realm's delight


      The Joker

        "Dota has changed"


          This just feels like the Pinoy version of Silly Builds.

          I do think NA / EU DotA does take roles and meta a little too seriously sometimes. The "efficiency focus" hasn't really been good for the average player's mentality. If anything, it makes him seem more noob when compared to pros because the analysts make the game seem more complex than it actually is. Studies on chess masters have shown that most of the decisions they make are not the result of precise calculations in every possible direction (like a computer), but approximations and pattern recognition guided by experience of seeing similar positions + opponents. I think DotA is similar, and this heavy focus on technique and mimicry of the "(current) best way" often ignores the psychological aspects of the game (or treats it only as something to overcome). This makes weaker players less willing to experiment, which is how the pros discover new things and actually change the conception of "best".

          Tento komentář byl upraven

            Ppl have lost their spirit to experiment new things for some reasons. Plus, they even tend to discourage players who dare to take a next lvl step, because it is strongly rooted in their hearts that it is not the right move if the pro players haven't done it. Every skill bracket is doomed with raging emo kids trying to mimic pro moves. I missed the old days where playing dota2 was convenient and relaxing. There were commends after every game ends. GLHF at the start of the game, adding a last game team mate did exist..
            But now, it is all fucked up :D
            sry mods, I cant find another word to explain how I felt..

            The Joker

              "Ppl have lost their spirit to experiment new things for some reasons."

              Screw you, Barathrum.

              SHINIGAMI HLA WAI

                At least, 2-2.5k ppl haven't lost their spirit. kappa

                Mors tua vita mea
