General Discussion

General DiscussionFunniest moment in pro scene

Funniest moment in pro scene in General Discussion
The Joker

    Which moment do you think that it is the funniest one in professional scene?

    Mine is when Arteezy and someone who play QOP sneak into C9's ancient and all C9 went into something like panic mode and start running back to the base because they all didn't carry a TP and it's too late to stop them from breaking their ancient and Secret win the second round with an awkward ending.

    acc buyers in my team

      WR denies aegis, game lost because of that shit.


      Tento komentář byl upraven
      The Joker

        How come?

        acc buyers in my team

          It was the last gane of 3 games in the lower bracket. Orange had a very strong lead and after they did rosh and denied the aegis, they started to do mistakes and lost.

          pls be patient very noob ...

            Forgot which teams but basically radiant with a tusk storming in as 5 into dire jungle, snowballed as 5 to chase and then stuck as 5 on the dire jungle ward cliff. Would have been the shortest ever pro game in the history of Dota.


              ^ moscow 5. pgg tusk. the game is still continued. they lose tho

              The Joker

                Watched Dota WTF ep.100 today and it featured that moment when C9 didn't carry a TP and lose to Secret by ratting (?)

                Venus, MBA

                  To this day just about every match I still carry 2 tps with me just in case.

                  Lioninjawarloc (For Boz <3)

                    when miracle got stuck on a cliff during Frankfurt and then chat started spamming 8K MMR CLIFF FARMER, or Sumails "tactical feed" on storm spirit when he first played him after 6.85 murdered him