General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to win when outpicked?? (2.2-2.5k mmr)

How to win when outpicked?? (2.2-2.5k mmr) in General Discussion

    1) How to get over 2.4k mmr when every enemies picks are ursa, legion, riki, spectre, PA or PL... while my team goes with heroes who needs little more skill to play with and that's partly the reason why I mostly lose...
    2) and even if I manage to win my lane 70% at the time.... other lanes are just feeding..

    Now I am at that point where I am just fooling around cuz there will be at least 2 players in every game who does the same...

    I would play support ( role I can do pretty good ), but can't win with no good carries so......

    Toto téma bylo upraveno

      use your chat wheel to spam "Good Game " and queue again , reports can be used as well

      ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

        Pick Sniper and ask your team to play 4 tanky strength stun heroes. Tell your teammates to buy wards, but never buy one yourself since you're the Sniper carry. Your 4 supports should be buying wards. 4 people buying wards is more than enough. Proceed to get fed. Make sure to ult from as far as possible so you don't die. Rush shadow blade and blink dagger so you can escape ganks.

        Tento komentář byl upraven

          I have the same question as I want to raise my rmm, so I pick supports, initiators, other shit like sk, magnus, es and so on and I end up losing game just because carry goes 0-8 and has less creeps than me. Recently got outpicked (see my last magnus game), tried to let spectre farm but she sucked so hard - no diffusal until ~40 min, bought rapier against bfly (medusa), RPs was disabling like 3-4 players every time, but no one got to deal the damage. Got also another example - lost against mid legion - +150 damage at 20 min.
          Im not that greedy and useless kind of support and carry, can always buy a flask, use the safe tp for mid-laner etc, but it turns out to be more efficient to farm alone and, in general, pick carries.
          To my mind, if u see that team is about to pick the stack of imba-heroes, u should counter the most dangerous one. Tbh, riki is very rare at ~1.8-2k, and it's ez 2 counter, if u see any other carries - try to cooperate with the team and ask to pick some magic damage supports, like sk, or ask to pick some hard carry like medusa and pick hero, which would help it to farm (and win), particularly, some support. That's the way I usually try to play.
          Also try to pick mid and dominate it, od and zeus, invoker (situational) are good in this meta. Sometimes if I manage to pick mid invo and go qe, I get strong damage-dealer at early game, even if u cant farm hard and this way ur team can make frags pretty easily.


            lol, guy spamming riki advises something.
            >pick sniper, buy blink and sb
            okay, 1k way to play sniper
            >never buy wards
            >ask teammates to pick 4 tanks
            stay where you are, 0.5k is awesome for sure

            ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

              No need to go through that hard work.

              Just pick Sniper and dominate because of how OP that hero just is)

              Fee Too Pee

                how is sniper OP , this patch sniper literally never do a damage with right clicks

                ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                  You ult someone from base.

                  Free kill or assist.

                  0 deaths.


                    I've actually developed a sniper build which relies upon aether lens and octarine core to allow you to do almost 200 dps per second just from shrapnel and assassinate alone, all from over 3200 range away.

                    ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                      You don't need DPS. You just need that burst of your ult when you kill someone who your team has taken down to 100hp.

                      Swap Commends

                        If your role is sup I suggest u play agro heroes

                        Jakiro/Venom/Zeus as semi sup + veil fucking the enemies in fights.
                        Undying,bara also helps u snowball.
                        If ur carries are smart they can win fights.
                        I rasied my mmr from 1700 to 2200 with that.

                        Visita Hari Danta

                          Just never repeat that build in your life , or that build or that
                          and stop fucking suiciding trying to get kills.
                          @edit and learn how to properly lh

                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                            Explain whats wrong with this build... just don't get it, whats wrong with it, only could replace tranquil boots with mana boots?
                            *enemie nyx was owning our mid 1vs1.. so I had to waste all of earned cash on wards.. and as almost in all 2k games there are practically no chance of getting 2 supports... bounty hunter went solo lane vs slardar and nyx ->lost tower in less than 10 min, while I had to deal with sniper in offlane who was 1.4k mmr "pro" playing with his friends...

                   Lost this because of technical problems fps drop (antivirus went wild) for like 10mins at the start of the game as main carry so the farm was way off... could have bin easy game.... that I can say for sure that I was the one who f**** up that game

                            Lol checked your builds/LH u ain't much better than me.. only difference is the mmr we got thrown in when calibrating....
                            I can say to you--> nice pudge gameplay if 59% winrate 300+ games same hero.. don't understund those pudge lowers:/

                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                              Dude, if you want to rise your mmr signigicatly just pick high impact heroes (with higher win ratio) and try to pick more carefully (dont pick heroes like a sniper - he is really trash). I understand how do you feel when your carry can´t farm at all. I meet these guys every day.
                              But look at me.
                              I am a new guy in DOTA2 and i rise my mmr from 2,2k to 2,7k in very little time period. So it is doable. You need to just be better than anybody else in this trash tier.

                              typical. 🎃

                                Instead of complaining about your teammates... get better? How can you bitch about your carry going 0-8 when I'm looking at your results and you've got negative KD on Anti-Mage twice, 0-6 Bristleback, 4-13 Slark and a 4-10 Spectre. You're just as bad.

                                Everyone feels they don't deserve to be at the MMR they're at, but your item choices suggest you're right where you should be. You're like all the players I see at 2k MMR who have some weird aversion to Blink Dagger despite it being one of the best items on the game - but did you build it on Windranger, Nyx Assassin, Dark Seer? Nope.


                                  Spookysharks..I will repeat text I wrote in previous post just for u so u readed them before commenting:
                                  1)....fps drop (antivirus went wild) for like 10mins at the start of the game as main carry so the farm was way off... could have bin easy game.... that I can say for sure that I was the one who f**** up that game (spectre game u mentioned...)
                                  2)Now I am at that point where I am just fooling around cuz there will be at least 2 players in every game who does the same... (started after 3rd training game with oracle :/ )
                                  And at 1st game with AM my teammate silencer said" he won't support "(no wards or courier) and went to FARM JUNGLE small camp near safelane tower.. no help in safelane where I was solo vs templar got bf in 24 mins right when enemies was going in barracks.. till then 0 deaths... (reported that guy) next game->again him (I picked AM he picked legion) whining that supports suck he won't play bla bla bla.... he f**ked up my game I f**ked up his I think it's fair.....

                                  3)I am not perfect 30% I would be the one who would have a bad start, if I do I help supports or the one who are doing better in game..

                                  Tento komentář byl upraven
                                  typical. 🎃

                                    But that doesn't explain your consistently bad item choices. We all get bad teammates every now and again - there's literally nothing you can do about it except try to help and more importantly, make sure your own game is 100% on point. Your item choices and last hits could certainly be improved, so worry about that rather than things that are out of your control.

                                    End of the day, the opposition have the same problem.

                                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                                      if u talk about blink dagger, I admit I am not using it on those 3 heroes.. cuz I think there are some better and cheaper Items to get for these heroes and I would get blink only at the end of game...

                                      If u have suggestions on builds add game link and what improvements needed... I would be glad to hear that :)

                                      typical. 🎃

                                        Well I mean that Dark Seer game. Your role as a Dark Seer is to be a great team fight initiator - a good blink vacuum wall sets up... everything. I just finished a game with Wraith King, picked up Blink after Midas and the extra movement/initiation is absolutely vital for good teamfighting.

                                          Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem

                                            Dude, buy more blink dagger. This is my one of the most favorite items. If you are losing a lot, problem is in you and not in your team mates. As spooky told, we all have terrible guys in team, but you have to lead these dumbasses to victory. You can win a lot of games with terrible pick if you are trying to be useful and not feed. If you don´t have a courier, just buy it. Some of games you are not able to win, but still you can have positive win ratio.
                                            Just improve yourself....this is only one chance how you can go up. If you don´t want to cooperate, you will lose !


                                              K thanx for all suggestions...

                                              Last question! Best counters for:
                                              3) (fat) legion

                                              cherry wine

                                                some rapiers i guess?

                                                {|}TNA{|}Black Ninja

                                                  Scythe of Vyse and Blink seems so fucking amazing in some situations. I mean saw a game few months ago where at 50 min meepo in radiant and ember on dire where very fat. Ember had like 3 divine rapiers, 2 Daedalus and boots of travel. one sight of fist could get rampage pretty easy if he crits with those items, he had a support who went linken for him and put the shield on him. still windranger who was on the radiant side jump in with blink, shackle to cancel the linken and hex him, bkb and ulti the poor ember. Wind had boots of travel, hex, deso, bkb, aganim and Daedalus. then meepo create havock in enemy team and radiant won. amazing game. 6,3 average mmr game.
                                                  Also few days ago saw on OD with blink, hex, shivas, pt, bkb and ocratine core shiting so hard on a 8 sloted juggernaut. he was able to solo kill him very fast even jugger was with around 12 k networth higher. jugger was like bt, aganim, battle fury, abysal, blink and bkb, moon shard eaten and refresher in courier. around 6,5 mmr average.

                                                  {|}TNA{|}Black Ninja

                                                    an advice I got from a 6.4 player. find the moron/s in the enemy team (everybody see fast the morron/morrons from their team) and feed on them.

                                                    {|}TNA{|}Black Ninja

                                                      btw in the game with wr and ember, wr speed was amazing he schakle and hex insta once he blink (did he used shifts ?) since ember didn't had time to sight of fist him and kill easy wr.

                                                      typical. 🎃

                                                        OD Counter : Any high intelligence hero is a pretty strong counter, but the best hero for it is Nyx Assassin.
                                                        Ursa Counter : Rod of Atos? Any ranged hero who can kite. Ursa's not hard to deal with, just don't clump up and make sure you've got some stuns/slows on your team.
                                                        Legion Counter : Well... don't feed her? BKB is good against the blademail. Hex is great on her as it is any fed hero.


                                                          look at this account and follow build or add me


                                                            I maybe a little higher in terms in skills but its easy to play against this bracket.. uhmm like I got from 1.2k to 2.3k(currently) in less than a month.. just spam the heroes u just stated as OP or follow my undefeatable drow build

                                                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                              pick drow > treads > yasha > blink > farm any items that will be good against enemy

                                                              skill build;

                                                              very ez especially if 3 of ur team are range and have enigma and NEVER forget to use 3rd skill when u walk to base jungle so that the 3 lanes will push out


                                                                I did a build that works. went from 2.5 to 3.1 in 2 weeks now.
                                                                Use necrophos. nobody in the lower bracket deals with him properly. usually i end up soloing a hero once i hit 6.
                                                                Even without tango they stay in lane to "gain Xp" but they are low enough for me to scythe and death pulse them to death.

                                                                Also I play it as a necro support (sometimes semi) but he's a really difficult hero to deal with in lower mmr bracket.
                                                                Thing about him is, he can ruin opponent's carry farm early game with just his aura.
                                                                Go mana boots, mek, aghs (don't upgrade the mek, not worth the money)

                                                                Then just KS like crazy and win the game.

                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                  half the heroes you listed suck, you aren't getting outpicked, you're getting outplayed.

                                                                  Outpicked is when you pick 4 int heroes and they last pick pugna with an omni already on the team for repel.

                                                                  Outpicked is when you pick wraith king or medusa and they go nyx offlane, invoker mid, anti mage safe.

                                                                  Outpicked is when you pick no aoe or nukes and they last pick brood, meepo or chaos knight.

                                                                  Outpicked is when they run OD + omni and roam.