General Discussion

General DiscussionMMR Calibration and Prediction

MMR Calibration and Prediction in General Discussion

    Hello Guys i just wanted to ask experienced persons who knows well about calibration and stuff like this, heres my profile stats so far,could you guys give me advice or something like that to imporve my possible mmr? and what number of mmr you expect from this profile?




        what you mean?


          Prob gunna calibrate 3.1k MMR-3.4kish. You have a general low game impact as far as KDA ratio goes, but you also play support.
          To improve your MMR. Play on your normal account and stop wasting time with smurf accounts. That is the best way to "get gud."

          Tento komentář byl upraven

            ok lets check, i will mark this post and once i get my mmr i will contact and send you photo :P

            Zergot original

              lol dude, he is in vhs with normal stats, probably will gonna calibrate 3.7k+

              Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                Ur currently on VHS bracket so probably 3.8+.


                Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                  But climbing your real account to that mmr is more rewarding than creating a smurf account and reach that mmr.

                  My experimental all-carry smurf account has a 3.9k solo 3.5k party. I dont play it anymore


                    thanks for your comments,this is my friends account who asked me to boost mmr if its possible,so i just wanted to check if my predictions are correct

                    FZ 1 N

                      One of the "rivalry" sites does have a feature called MMR prediction, it is based on your last 10 games and can be very accurate or way off the mark but is worth giving a try.


                        I had a question
                        Please give full answer me How Dota2 calculate MMr Of One Account ?


                          @Yuriko Omega Long way to go. Gl anyways.

                          ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                            I hate being in 1.2k mmr. It's the worst. People don't even care about teamwork, it's just 100% selfish gameplay.

                            And then they complain that there's no teamwork. Totally pisses you off.



                              Mors tua vita mea

                                3769 mmr rating

                                General Zod

                                  can you predict my mmr pls.ty


                                    Is u want 5.4k mmr.. Go for spec spex specc. All spec games.. With good KDA.. With 13/1/14 records or up ..with 14.36% of kills 4% of deaths and 13% of assists.. With good gpm/xpm.. With 60 to 70% of winrate.. To ell u mate ull get 4 to 5k mmr with spec games only