General Discussion

General Discussionwhat do I have to f'ing do to get commends?!?!

what do I have to f'ing do to get commends?!?! in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    I give them away like candy. You win my lane as a support for me the carry, you get commend when we win. You rock mid and make space, commend. You rock offlane and make space, commend. If I'm playing support and you make a big comeback as a carry, commend.

    But me? It's like fucking never, maybe I don't talk enough? My latest report though says no commends in 20 games. You mean these aren't worthy?


      why do you care? commends literally do nothing

      The Joker

        Be friendly with them (If they don't have bad attitude) and help them dominate in a teamfight is one way to get a commend although it did nothing to you

        lm ao

          I have 99 but half of them are Friendly

          lm ao

            Sea players literally give commends like candy, as long as you are snowballing or 1v9'ing


              have 160 commends and Lord Gaben granted me the thing called high behavior score, I rarely get partied with toxic ppl and it is years ago I got low p via reports.


                Trade commends

                Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                  Jibril, GUILTY

                  On My Range

                    More commends is nothing for me


                      big plays get u commends
                      i got at least 10 by destroying with invoker

                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                        I get lots of commends. I recommend carrying salves. If you salve up teammates who are low they love it. It's going that extra mile to show you care.


                          ez. i said to my teammates
                          "NICE GAME. I COMMENDED U ALL. PLZ COMMEND ME BACK"

                          and then they replied;

                          ez commends gained without commended them :D


                            I only got 47 commends across some 1300 games. I'm pretty lousy to play with apparently.


                              ^ wow dotabuff plus member. RICH

                              Bad Intentions

                                you dire, you just have to show them whos the alpha male in the team :] and ul get dem commends man :]

                                Bad Intentions

                                  you dire, you just have to show them whos the alpha male in the team :] and ul get dem commends man :]

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    I thought I was by my play! I mean I have a lot of crappy games too but some good ones in there. I think people are more apt to commend friendly players than ones with high scores though.

                                    And I thought it did matter. I thought commends neutralized reports for your behavior report, keeping you out of hidden pool if it exists and low priority. Plus it's kinda just bragging rights.

                                    ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                      I commend people who go out of their way to help people.

                                      If I see a more experienced player going out of their way to support a new player who picked carry on their first game of Dota, commended.

                                      A support who sets up a kill to help carries get gold. Commended.

                                      A carry who acknowledges a support and says "thank you" for heals and ganks from the ganker. Commended.

                                      Someone who offers to buy wards when nobody else wants to or has gold for it. Commended.

                                      Someone who becomes the bigger person to step out of an argument. Commended.

                                      If you're an asshole who never helps anyone but go 40/0 for yourself, though you're not getting a commend.

                                      party bear

                                        I am going to commend the guy who is a team player rather than the guy who thinks he is a superstar for making some play in dota, every single time.

                                        ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!



                                            Get a rampage, you will get commends or reports 100%

                                            ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                              If you're fifth pick and you pick a 5th carry I don't care how well you do I'm not commending you.


                                                I don't even have to ask, I just do clutch shit. Lol at carries who just free farm/jungle because they're given so much space by the others, then they go "commend me". It's the same in those tourney majors, the carry gets MVP for no reason even though the others did everything.


                                                  I usually only commned people who are friendly and its easier to notice this if they're talking often. If you're the sort of player who does well but never says anything you tend to not be noticed that much and thus you wont get commended. People who speak over mic are more likely to get commended if they're friendly then people who don't.

                                                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                    usually I commend people for being calm, providing useful information, not chatting too much about off-topic shit, calling shots, rolling with the shots that other people call, ignoring or disarming salty people, etc. I basically never commend people who participate in flame wars on either side. if there's a real shit player on the team and I can get someone else to mute them so that we can cooperate in spite of the salty player on the team, I'll nearly always commend them. ditto in the opposite direction; if someone on the team is just ruining it, but someone else is like "let's just mute him and play" and we can continue to play the game and work together, I'll commend them every time. if someone is funny I'll commend them. if someone teaches me something new I'll commend them. if I get tilted and someone helps me calm down I'll commend them every time. and if someone asks for a commend, I definitely don't commend them.

                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                      there's something to be said for a carry who makes a comeback without huge space though, who finds farm and sticks with it.

                                                      ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                        I say "commend pls" every time I get a kill.


                                                          btw , dont ever play support . cuz no one commend supports
                                                          all they care is some stupid carry getting some kills

                                                          i have 40 commend only , after 2k games in 4.5k mmr

                                                          ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                            I commend supports more than carries.


                                                              I have 330 commends because im not in the hidden pool.

                                                              ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                I've commended every support that I've had in the past 100 games because I know support isn't a very high demand role. So far I've commended 2 people.

                                                                Livin' Real Good

                                                                  Humans are lazy unless they get something out of it most of the time, they don't helping each other, so you probably have to trade commends.



                                                                    Venus, MBA

                                                                      I always try to commend people who pick support and actually go through with it. It's a thankless role and as someone who plays support myself, a simply "Thank you" or "Ty" suffices for me. I never commend anyone who asks for it. If you deserve the commend, you aren't the one asking for them.

                                                                      FZ 1 N

                                                                        Dunno but I can tell you what to do to get muted for 24 hours twice in 3 days :D

                                                                        lm ao

                                                                          Scraps-sama teeheehee im so funny guy teeheehee but no gud in england hihi plis gif cummen

                                                                          ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                            I commend people for 3 things:
                                                                            -being willing to support if nobody else wants to
                                                                            -keeping up team morale
                                                                            -breaking up a stupid argument