General Discussion

General DiscussionOffering Coaching! 6.3k mmr, established coach. Money back guarantee!

Offering Coaching! 6.3k mmr, established coach. Money back guarantee! in General Discussion
Charles Petrescu - this is my coaching profile.

    Like the title says i offer coaching services to anyone willing to improve, who are frustrated with their current level of play and mmr range they are currently at. At the link above you can find all the detailed information about me, my qualifications as a coach and dota experience. More than 250 coaching hours and 125 positive reviews, example of one:

    I was 'mind-blown' by the quality of our session. I come with a mind-set that I know at least something about Dota as I am currently a 3.2k MMR. No, I know nothing at all apparently... He explained everything from the general concept and decision making to the little details of mechanic and itemization. I am impressed by his knowledge about the game; however, I am more impressed by his ability to DELIVER the knowledge to me. English IS NOT his mother language, so he do has a confusing accent that he can improve as he use the language more and more in daily basis. Prepare a decent headphone/earphone for fluid listening. I asked question when I failed to understand him, and I also paraphrased to make sure that I understand his points correctly. As our lesson ends, I learned all that I expected to learn, and yet I feel that learned a lot more than that. I recommend him to everybody that wish to learn more Dota game essentials and MID ROLE! -Skydra site itself ( from which i work through ) has 100% Satisfaction Guarantee meaning if u are not happy with the quality of the session you will have your money refunded !

    If you got any questions u can leave me a pm, ask in this thread ( ill be checking it frequently ) or find my skype/steam contact info at the link above to have a quick chat with me if u need more assuring :)

    < blank >

      You need to prove your mmr or people won't believe shit

      Charles Petrescu

        MMR has been verified by the co-founder of the site more than 1 year ago, although it wont be a problem to show it personally to the student i guess aswell :)

        acc buyers in my team

          Chris also has veryfied 6.1k MMR. This proves the site is dogshit when it comes to control.

          Charles Petrescu

            Like i said its not a problem for me to show it to each interested/potential student personally if requested, jeez.

            Dune, the Desert Planet

              I can vouch for his MMR.


                I can vouch for his MMR aswell.


                  do u also accept items?

                  Charles Petrescu

                    The site does not have that option as a payment as far as i know and every purchase of a session has to go through it so u'll also be protected with Money back guarantee, insurance for new students.


                      GL brat, I'd give you money but Bosnia is poor so yeah, gl.

                      Charles Petrescu

                        The same problem in here, brah :D
                        ty @ ?-_-/Vertoxity :)

                        death to the fire nation

                          Check out my first dota video please!


                          Charles Petrescu

                            Pretty sure if u created your own thread, the video would get more exposure xD


                              Im broke :/ I wish I could get some coaching because i sure do need it.

                              A waifu a day keeps socie...

                                Are you a little short on this month's rent? :D


                                  Yes D:

                                  Charles Petrescu

                                    Mb some other time then :D


                                      Verified coach and mmr is proven, u can always check reviews on his profile as well

                                      Charles Petrescu

                                        which are all positive by the way ! :)


                                          dont bump ur own threads for promotion