General Discussion

General DiscussionTribute to Phantom Riki

Tribute to Phantom Riki in General Discussion

    ^ I am now playing a game where I buy blades of attack into rapier into dagon. Will post the result here. If it matters, it's a VHS normal game. Cheers


      Team dc'd in 12 mins before I could buy relic. Depending on how many reports I get, I will play another one.

      ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

        I finally got my reports under 3.

        Apparently there's a negative correlation between being reported and having assists.

        Tento komentář byl upraven

          ur item build is wrong, also ur gameplay. u should rush dagon, that whould be 10 mins with full farm + kill. later dont farm cuz u will be spotted, keep distance from tower and enemies. keep invisible and go mobile so when enemy spotted with low health, dagon him. after u got much money, rush more rapiers so u can use ur blink and ss with very high dps. ez KDA by phantom riki

          ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

            WATCH ME CALIBRATE!!! 5 minutes til game


              ^so master, what average mmr are u in?

              ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                Still calibrating

                ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                  1244 so far


                    wow pro, i thought it would be 3 digits

                    SOLO Q ONLY

                      lost my rapier :((

                      SOLO Q ONLY

                        I actually had a kda of 14 before losing it

                        ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                          My team abandoned game, we lost. 1v9.

                          SOLO Q ONLY

                            I actually ended that game with a kda of 8.5. My weaver picked up my rapier so my wk and me shat on him when he was deniable and doomed. But wk stole my rapier then :(
                            But ez win. Thanks Phantom riki. It was fun


                              ^dont use that build too much on riki, u will easily get bored like me cuz too OP.


                                "very high skill" not a single support picked. Seems about right.

                                Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                  Hows the Phantom Riki build so far? I wonder if I should copy his playstyle, maybe I can lift my mmr thay way

                                  Don Pierro

                                    no it's fucking shit dude, you dont impact the game at all, you just kill squishy supports to get kda and you're dead if anyone has detection. I hate people who just play to boost their kda by killing supports and don't add to winning the game

                                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                                      @muranji, is it my game? as far as i know tinker is support hero, i cour i ward i gank. am i wrong?


                                        At that mmr I would have 300 kda with riki without doing this stupid shit and even while doing this stupid shit.