General Discussion

General DiscussionAm I the only one who likes to play wih or against techies?

Am I the only one who likes to play wih or against techies? in General Discussion
Holy Roman Empire

    I do feel the game becomes a way more exciting one.

    Optimus Drip

      betcha like me a lot then.


        Well, 'Exciting' because the game becomes longer than it should be ... especially when the Techies is in the losing team.

        Livin' Real Good

          I mean, I do find some joy from being on the losing team, and telling techies "mine the base like crazy" and seeing super fed enemy carrys die despite being 6 slotted late game. But at the same time, if I know i'm going to lose a game, and Techies is just delaying the inevitable, it then becomes pretty fucking annoying on occasion. (don't wanna be a hypocrite)

          Now that I think about it, even having techies on your team isn't fun, it causes the enemies to play defensive all game, and they just end up farming their jungle half the game, then coming out to lanes now and then to get some CS from very pushed in waves, then straight back to their side of the map and jungle. They don't even like going for rosh either, so basically almost nothing happens all game cause one side is too annoyed to do anything, and the other side (the team with techies on it) is busy setting up bombs everywhere, so it ends up being 4 people technically, and yadayadayada.

          - extends games to the point where it doesn't matter if you are winning or not, you have to play his game

          - slows down the pace of the game, so hardly anything happens, it's just both sides farming all game.

          In conclusion, leave this character nerfed, buff anyone, even spectre.

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          Holy Roman Empire

            No. I mean seeing people die to techies mines or suicide makes me laugh.