General Discussion

General Discussiondorm internet problems and dota 2

dorm internet problems and dota 2 in General Discussion
waku waku

    so i live in a dorm where i have to share my internet with my roommate. and that's okay since they pay for it as well except for one thing:lately our router's gone to shit so if i use it instead of plugging the cable directly into my laptop dota 2 lags heavily and is basically unplayable, even if no one's using internet at the same time. what's the best and cheapest way of dealing with it when i want to play dota 2?

    D the Superior
      Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem
      Bad Intentions

        Id suggest to eat your roomate as well but


          Eat roommate seems good nothing wrong here


            you'll ahve to pay less for food afterwards, too, so its a good investment imo. eat your roommate.


              Plus you don't have to share space with him cause he will be in you until you shit him out so yeah eat roommate

              waku waku



                  be a naix and make scepter bruh


                    Have you gotten any new electronic devices recently that might cause interference? Wifi Signal is easy to interfere with anything from cellphones to microwaves can mess with the signal. Even your neighbours wifi or electronics might be interfering with it.

                    Bad Intentions

                      ^if dats d case, id highly recommend to eat your neighbors as well.

                      Dire Wolf

                        get a dual band with 5ghz and a 5ghz adapter for your pc. Almost nothing else on 5ghz right now, no interferance and super fast. This is what I have: