General Discussion

General DiscussionNight Stalker build

Night Stalker build in General Discussion
yung griphook

    Is there a default skill build for NS? Some games I watch it seems like it varies but I'm not sure the reasoning behind it.

    Also as far as items go (assuming offlane or pos 4), should you go brown boots, vlads, aghs, gem?


      Phase boots, Urn

      Then its situational. In most cases if your team is not retarded, they will strongly benefit from Scepter Rush to let your team snowball. Your role is to put high pressure early to mid. Same for Viper, Spirit Breaker etc.

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        rush a talon and farm neutral for your boots. worst case scenario it would be ~ 4-5 min. start ganking when you get your boots. go 1-3-1-2-1 build as you might not get lvl4 before you get boots and your passive gives so much more than the silence during first night.
        get phase boots and wand/urn. to me the two most important items for ns are aghs and bkb.

        yung griphook

          would it be more beneficial to skip phase urn and go brown boots > vlads > aghs? I know it is a totally different circumstance but I saw Puppey do this as a pos 4

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