General Discussion

General DiscussionYou think i deserve to be in this mmr?

You think i deserve to be in this mmr? in General Discussion

    It seems like every game i get a great kda but whether we win or lose depends on my team. Does anyone have any ideas as to how to improve? Check my dotabuff too and comment on whether or not i should be in this mmr.


      > it seems like every game i get a great kda
      > you think i deserve to be in this mmr?


        If you don't then you'll climb out of it soon enough. Just constantly work on yourself to improve


          soon u will get out of normal skill bracket ...


            I think your builds could be better.
            For example, in your last game, instead of trying to out-rightclick the AM, perhaps you should have built a Refreshor? Against that lineup, a double ult would have teamwiped all of them except maybe Dazzle.
            The game before that, you should have gone S&Y over Shadowblade, especially because you are facing a Zeus, and you only had 251 last hits in almost an hour as a carry.
            So it does look like you belong where you are, but I'd say keep working, and finding out how to improve.
            A good guide on this forum:
            The guide it refers too:

            Tento komentář byl upraven

              alright thanks for helping out! I had no idea how to play viper but I will work on him (probably not he's really boring). The OD game my thoughts were that i should stack intelligence and then get a good ultimate but I think your idea was probably better.


                Over the last couple weeks I've climbed about 500 mmr but I want to speed up the process. Any reccomended heroes/strategies?

                Zorthax Dorn

                  First off, I'd say it seems you are higher than your current bracket based on your stomps.

                  What is your current MMR though?

                  My issue I've seen after a few games;

                  You build bloodstone on death prophet, I'm a huge believer in that item still. But then immediately rush into octarine.

                  I still suggest going Euls either before bloodstone (if farm is tough) or after. You need the extra utility/survivability Euls provides. When you reach higher skills, teams are smart enough to burst you down as soon as possible. A Euls delays this making your spirits more effective.

                  Euls + Phase boots makes her move like a rocket. So my second question, why even go phase boots if you want bloodstone octarine rush?

                  You're setting up for all team fight (appears to be end very early) but then delay your bloodstone with phase boots while not utilizing speed by getting Euls.

                  Skip the phase, build arcane boots. Buy your vitality and energy booster then dismantle arcane boots to create your soul booster. I would then rush boots of travel with your brown boots after bloodstone/octarine. Makes you more active and push hard.

                  Zorthax Dorn

                    I hate your Magnus build. (I don't know your MMR so maybe that's why it worked) but it is way to greedy for a hero who cannot carry like that.

                    Battlefury either comes before blink (making your initation and entire team suffer) or after which makes the item, very subpar in terms of timing.

                    Mask also isn't in a good spot right now. With so many nukers and fast team fights lately, the extra damage severely out weights any benefit you get from the extra attack speed.

                    If you wanted to carry Magnus, why even go refresher? You've gone like half carry half spell caster.

                    I still say blink + force staff is superior. Then usually a refresher rush is justifiable, and shivas is a common pick up. All of these make your team do well and not just rely on a lucky damage output during RP.

                    With Sven in the meta, your empower on Sven! Key. And a good RP will let him clear-cut the entire enemy team before they even get out of stun-lock.


                      Death Prophet:
                      I quit playing her because she is slightly boring though. Find the offlane more amusing than mid these days.

                      ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                        I don't deserve my mmr either


                          Yeah you deserve lower ^


                            Honestly i dont think its about the kda that much, ur win doesnt depend on ur kda it depends on the enemy throne being dead. For example if u go terrorblade with sb dagon, u may have higher kills than what u usually get, but that doesnt mean ur gonna out carry their carry in late game, and it will most likely turn out that u will lose the game regardless of ur high kda...


                              What is your mmr ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!


                                kda is meaningless, you can get amazing kda but still lose like in ur od game, u had 31 kills but you lost. I don't even have to watch the replay to tell you that you didn't tell your teammates to push, and 2 of them are in your clan because they have the same tag as you.

                                good kda does not translate to winning, knowing what is necesarry to win is what translates into winning.

                                When to farm, when to push, when to not be on the map, when to be on the map, when to roshan, when to group up, when to solo split push, when to solo kill an enemy, when to get with 1-2 teammates and smoke gank,

                                I hate to be the person who tells you this, but in your MMR, winning is so painfully easy that it practically means nothing, i could give you my 4.7k MMR account and you'd probably lose every single match, being better than some 1k-2k people means absolutely nothing, those people just calibrated in that bracket and are brainless, some of them watch high mmr replays and try to get better, but the vast majority of them are retards who don't buy couriers, they're all greedy, they take bounty runes from mid, so what i am trying to say is, be honest with yourself about what u can improve, cuz i promise the shit that you get away with in normal skill, u wouldn't get it away with it versus good players. So always be humble, and do ur best to improve in EVERY aspect


                                  1 more thing , you play in party MMR a lot, that is 100x easier to win than solo mmr, because with a better draft or some teammates who follow a plan, game is easily won, just saying.


                                    Dude, you have good stats, but there must be something wrong in your games. I am really wondering why some games are taking so long time when you are stomping. Problem is probably in your pushing. If you win a team fight, why the hell you are not pushing ???
                                    As Anto said solo MMR is way more harder, because you can´t influence your team mates,

                                    ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                      I have good stats too. I deserve 3k mmr+ at least.


                                        if you're at normal skill and can't go qop mid and get dagon 5 and just win off that, you probably do deserve your mmr. just watch your replays and try to think about the game.


                                          plz kill that riki spmmer b4 he lay eggs...good stats omg , normal skill with 75% loss rate .. ggwp, glhf

                                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                                            Good kda isn't everything ffs
                                            Kill enemy throne before they kill yours and I promise you that you will win every single match

                                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                                              Lol Magnus game was a joke game with a friend. Mmr is 1.7k


                                                I have trouble getting my teammates to push


                                                  You have a good winrate in ranked so keep playing and raise until you hit the wall

                                                  Livin' Real Good

                                                    You have awful stats Riki phantom dude. I watched one of your games the other day, no way in hell you'lll get away with that at 3K, or even high 2K MMR at your skill level and building relics and shit. Those 1.5K players you play with don't even buy wards, nor do they have any map awareness. Once you get to 3K, people start getting annoyed when you pick Riki, not cause he's " hard to deal with " like you in your bracket, but because he is absolute trash by time you get to 3K. I love when people pick Riki, easy wins.

                                                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                      Your winrate is like 60% so you should obviously be at a higher mmr. Honestly, I think some people just refuse to believe that someones mmr is lower than it should be.

                                                      ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                        Yeah, like mine. I deserve at least 3k mmr, I have the best stats in my team on 90% of my games, and even when I don't it's because of other people stealing my farm and KS.


                                                          ^ UMRI BE KOPILE GLUPO

                                                          Mike Wazowski..!

                                                            could the mods please disable this guy for fuck's sake

                                                            Синячий патруль

                                                              Yes u do

                                                              Luv  Me

                                                                You deserve it, coz only carry in your top most playing heroes


                                                                  yes u obviously do

                                                                  Zorthax Dorn

                                                                    @blue if you have trouble getting teammates to push which you will in that mmr. Pick pushers yourself (death prophet, lycan, np etc). It either allows you to take pushing in your control and hopefully the randoms follow


                                                                      lmfao @triplesteal


                                                                        Who is this Riki guy?


                                                                          Riki guy you should spam Riki less and go for more diversity. Helps your stats a ton.


                                                                            haha this AHTOM dude im laughing my ass off :p 34% WR all Riki's. That hero used to be the pinnacle of low level dota. After the hp nerf you rarely see him anymore though.

                                                                            But on topic: i dont belong in my MMR either, i just cant get out of it. You are so dependent on your team, and even making the perfect pick still allows the rest of your team to screw up. Just hang in there and play the heroes you play best.

                                                                            Also for the DP build: octarine > bloodstone


                                                                              kda doesnt mean much.

                                                                              decision making, involvement in fights, mechanics, role efficiency, lane efficiency all matter more.


                                                                                @ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                                i suggest u play ember, you are building ember item on riki, LOL


                                                                                  @Blue.Terrorblade I honestly think that if you're getting that good of a kd spread 1) You're not carrying correctly 2) You're playing underpowered heroes (Such as kunkka and viper) 3) You just get a shit team (Which does happen a lot). As a mid 4.5k player, I found it difficult to climb out of mmr such as you. Remember to NEVER flame your team, even when the game is obviously over, and to try to carry to the best of your ability (look up guides). Gl, hf!