General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you think the game can be improved excluding changing the actu...

How do you think the game can be improved excluding changing the actual gameplay? in General Discussion

    Stuff like better chat systems, commend systems and etc.

    I personally wish for a proper guild system to be implemented and an improved chatbox. Seriously, that thing is so small and it gets clunked up so easily by whispers (which are on by default). My fondest memories of HoN was being close to my guildmates and spamming the guild channel.

    And I wish they could do something about all the smurfs. Ironically, LoL's retarded p2w for champions meant that people were reluctant to make smurfs because they'd have to buy everything all over again.

    Dune, the Desert Planet

      Anyone intentionally ruining the game is to be put in a bag with a rooster, a monkey and a snake and then thrown into the sea.

      E fucking Z.

      Von Darkmoor

        +on the smurfs without a legitimation reason lan etc smurfs should be IP banned.
        The matchmaking could be made better and they should make wins as the draft er in captain mode a stat and a critteria for Who gets to be captain. In matching they should Also separate troll mod aka all tard aka all pick win% from captain mode win% so you dont get all pick ers that ruins ur games.

        Abillity to swap skins mid game.

        Abillity to -repick in game if not the first Rune spannet this is needed mostly cause People dont always lane as u assume they would.
        Also this would make the picking phase so much Quicker then again this is only a issue for troll pick but i realize a lot of players play that shit.

        A ward guide the first time you start the game that cannot be slipper so ppl know where to place em and when.... NNOOOOOO i dont mean at Runes dumbasses.

        Tento komentář byl upraven

          At this time I'm in the 700-900 mmr ... I'm a bad player but at least when I play I try my best to do my part, my temates? supports who get last hits and 0 denies carry who instead of last hitting goes for the kill and gets himself killed... all my teammates starting item boots, if not boots save for Mask or Urne ... And guess what... we lose... nobody buys arrmour items ... when my team wins it wins only because the other players are way more bad players then us ... or just luck at picking heroes because they have no ideea what a counter pick means.... we need a different reporting system ... if I see someone that buys boots as first item or that he/she wants to eco like for Urne I should be able to report him and he should get in a "bad players pool".