هل لديك أي فكرة سخيف من أنا كنت الخراء قليلا سوف يمارس الجنس مع لكم زميله حتى لا فوضى لا سخيف معي بخير لك القرف القليل
hero isnt that great for winning, but is still annoying as hell to play against. If you like making other people angry, but losing anyway, this is the hero for you!
You dunno the feeling of having triple kills while you are not there...having the most kills but lost but still happy laughing annoying ppl XD
delete techies and arc warden
when either of those 2 is in game we are not playing dota anymore...
just a shitfest
You're 2 patches late.
I've only lost once to a techies in like half a year, it was a pretty dramatic loss tho rofl
Please delete Lone Druid and Naga, those people just ruin my day when I play techies :(
Pro psaní komentáře se přihlaste.
idk how this hero with wheels is fun