General Discussion

General DiscussionQueen Of Pain

Queen Of Pain in General Discussion
✪ H o p e - ! !  ✪

    Hi guys! I hope ur doing well. I just wanted ur opinion on the best way to play QoP. I find it hard to win with the hero. I'm usually 8-0 up and then get killed for trying to help my team and hence nearly always lose the game due to the gold earned by killing my hero. So, any tips?

    Zorthax Dorn

      I'm interested in these answers. I can't find a way to be successful with her either. Pure magic damage build seems to fall off but even building her right click doesn't work either. I just think she's in a bad place in the meta but maybe there's a better build.


        go orchid first

        Zorthax Dorn

          Looks like top QoPs go for more right click. Both aghs & orchid have a pretty bad win rate, her win rate overall is pretty bad too.

          I saw one of the common items with a decent win rate is Deso. Seems interesting, I could see the potential.


            aghs is overrated


              early snowball is great, but you need to keep up the gold lead by farming
              qop can push out lanes really easily and farm jungle, so lategame you should farm as much as you can

              ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                Aghanims, Dagon


                  Can I replace the aghs for rapier?


                    Queen of pain fits in a very specific team composition very well. She dominates the 10-25 min mark and is perfect for team comps that try to 5 man and end early. She isn't really much of a right clicker, her ago gain isn't good enough to scale her. You're best of maximizing your and your teams dps in early fights, Whether that be through veil, aghs, or other items.


                      ^ this is just wrong, qop has 1.6 bat and the most effective way to scale into late game is either aghs refresher octarine or just rightclick

                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                        So if I go right click should I just get 2-3 rapier and Dagon? 3-4 right click and they would die so fast.

                        Zorthax Dorn

                          @Reese Have you tried the deso option? I haven't actually witnessed the use in game but it has a decent win rate overall on dotabuff. I know more standard is your scythe, Mkb etc. Just curious on its potential.

                          Dune, the Desert Planet

                            Go right click only if you have no carry or have a shit carry.

                            BoT Shiva Hex BKB OC Refresher is best possible six slot overall. Assuming you sold Orchid, and you don't need Aghs to defend, nor Linken for some shit.

                            Very flexible hero in terms of itemization.


                              @FVG.Zorthax Dorn: considering that you get in late game it's not a good option, cuirass is just better also because of qop's low armor


                                Queen of pain is dead, i hope she will be reborn in 6.87. Also sf ;c


                                  I play qop solo off aginst 3 lanes
                                  With that blink its hard to die
                                  Normally I go orchid agha maye hex or shiva
                                  U can check my last qop games but they are all captains mode so it wasbt the game where its was decided who wins:/

                                  ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                    Sometimes you get rapier after you get Aghanims and Dagon 5.

                                    A waifu a day keeps socie...

                                      I think you go Agh/orchid (pick one) -> AC -> shivas/hex

                                      lm ao


                                        report any qop who rushes aghanims

                                        you have enough damage for solo kills with pt+orchid+shadow strike

                                        bkb makes you hard to lockdown, considering u can get it early

                                        aghs rush is stupid, by the time u get it your sonic wave is on lv1 or 2, which isnt really efficient cd wise

                                        cuirass is a lot better than shivas, which is something better bought by offlane. helps u push towers and boost your right click a lot. armor is definitely 2nd core on qop since you will bejumping a lot to the frontlines

                                        hex cz its needed

                                        octarine cause yeah

                                        lm ao

                                          pls no dagon senpai desu

                                          ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                            Dagon 1 then aghanims then upgrade to dagon 5


                                              It's mostly knowing when to transition from "I'm ahead so I should be aggressive" into "I'm ahead so I should play defensively because I'm worth a lot of gold"

                                              ✪ H o p e - ! !  ✪

                                                Could u guys also give me the item timings for each of the items?

                                                ✪ H o p e - ! !  ✪

                                                  Also i'd like to know when to and when not to pick qop.


                                                    i have no idea how to win with that hero
                                                    even when i was doing decently i just lost at some point

                                                    great expectations

                                                      qop aghs rush stupid lmfao

                                                      lm ao

                                                        Its not worth rushing an aghs, when damage outout from scream+strike is ok. sonic wave will definitely be used atm when its off cooldown but u can honestly get better items pre aghs

                                                        I dont assume its u jo right?xd

                                                        great expectations

                                                          its not good everygame but it means u can have sonic wave for every fight which is huge

                                                          ✪ H o p e - ! !  ✪

                                                            Despite all my efforts, i cant win with qop. My latest game: What did i do wrong?