General Discussion

General Discussion83.33% winrate but i still in NS ?! why ? :|

83.33% winrate but i still in NS ?! why ? :| in General Discussion

    me have 83% winratio and i still in normal skill ?
    someone say to me why ?


      Because you play like a normal skill player


        What do you need to do to move into high skill and very high skill?


          Play like a high skill or very high skill player


            not just win but destroy your opponents


              me try to play same VHS player, but in normal skill me play with shiti player take ageas or other things in game and me in war with 9 player alway

              Long Qua Disciple

                Youve only played 12 matches. It will take lots to calibrate you higher than normal


                  i need to go in VHS because i many time playing and training and i want reach this my aim....


                    @Like_Butter : in normaly in 2 or 3 game you change bracket to HS or VHS but me still in NS and i mad for this


                      me speak english then me play in vhs jajajajjaja


                        not funny


                          but ur 83 winrate and normal skill is xd


                            @Belive in me: yeah but me mad for this

                            TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                              How about you stop smurfing and focus on playing to git gud instead like the other guy on here who rose from 800 mmr to 2k? He's a whole lot more impressive than all you whiny smurfers clumped all together


                                You have 1/3/12 in 35 mins with 7.5k hero damage on Spectre.. Pretty self explanatory I'd say..


                                  Get EVERY single stat u can see in db up
                                  despite 83% win rate, ur gpm and xpm is rather garbage

                                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                                    @Kratos: you means me sure focus on LH or KS in the game? i want to found my fault to can improve it and change me bracket and playing


                                      @inc4c: db means ?


                                        gpm is crap




                                            but if u keep on playing and winning, u eventually play with better players and win rate will even out.


                                              @inx4c: i know but 83% winrat and i still in NS its amazing :D


                                                i created a smurf and got vhs on my 3rd game
                                                its all about high gpm, xpm, hero damage/healing and shit like that


                                                  GPM and XPM over 500 ?

                                                  just another typical day

                                                    me too :( i thnk its SO unfair huhuhuhuhuhhuhu

                                                    On My Range

                                                      NS, HS,VHS has a mmr range, example your mmr in 2k u will get NS, 3k u will get HS, and 3,7++ u will get VHS

                                                      AMERICA=1 south africa=0
                                                        Tento komentář byl smazán
                                                        AMERICA=1 south africa=0
                                                          Tento komentář byl smazán
                                                          lm ao

                                                            >83% winrate
                                                            >12 games

                                                            Axaxaxaxaxa ur so funny slayer


                                                              look at my win rate retards every where

                                                              I see DAgon And arcane on slark Srystal on invoker and so many thing

                                                              Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                Dude.. it will take a few more games usually.. and its not about win rate its about your play style how you dictate the game.. if u r good.. u will rch thr.. just chill..


                                                                  Hero DMG is main point,play 1 game with 20k+ and u will have hs bracket like me


                                                                    KDA ratio, GPM/XPM, don't worry if you win or lost, HD.
                                                                    play with your fvrte hero!!
                                                                    I think is enough.. :D


                                                                      i believe dota has an much more deeper algorithim to determine your skill bracket. just as a vhs player plays smurf will be vhs in 2 games or so and normal skill will be normal skill. skill is the factor here.


                                                                        GO PLAY 50 GAMES I GUESS YOUR WIN RATE IS GOING DOWN FOR REAL

                                                                        Low Priority Lover

                                                                          You're not in the pros because you have 12 matches.


                                                                            :D 84% winrat but still in NS ?! xD rofl


                                                                              Wawawa I can win vs noobs why valvo no put me in 9k bracket when those 8ks only got 60% wr. This game is rigged waaaaaaaa

                                                                              Meat Spinner

                                                                                Man make some hero dMage with less deaths ! If i ve to say in number your hero damage must be greater than any hero in ut team ur opponent like 30k+ ! Go for it now... just successfull ganks, kills like fuck , winrate has nothing to do with your skill !


                                                                                  Your hero damage is really really low.. Which means you don't fight a lot.. Which must mean you afk farm a lot.. But in that case you should have a lot of last hits..which is also not true.. So I'm concluding that you spend all your time aimlessly wandering around the map doing nothing..
                                                                                  Sit and farm..take fights which will benifit you.. Win rate does not matter.. You can have 30% einrate and be VHS..


                                                                                    Just gotta play better. The difference between a normal skill and a very high skill player is more than just getting good KDA and win rate against new players.

                                                                                    Everything: How often you check the enemies' items, whether or not you're building smart to counter them, hero damage, tower damage, GPM, XPM, APM, how good you are mechanically. All of this and more will contribute to your skill bracket I think.

                                                                                    My advice though would be to avoid smurfing. I calibrated at 800 MMR and rose to 2k a few weeks ago by just looking at my replays to spot mistakes, watching how pro's play and trying to improve. It was a pretty quick climb too. If you don't deserve to be where you are then you'll climb regardless of teammates or whatever you think is holding you down, and climbing is usually quicker than smurfing in that case anyway.


                                                                                      as man upside mentioned u need most hero dmg to go high skill. Take heroes like OD, Zeus, Invo, Ursa, etc.


                                                                                        thanks so much bros to help for me try to playing better thanks very much and sry for my bad eng.

                                                                                        sopa en mi yolk

                                                                                          New Phantom Riki here


                                                                                            Cause 12 games...
                                                                                            Have an 84% winrate at 200 games and then check.


                                                                                              My smurf has smaller stats either kda,gpm,xpm,wr than you. Yet it is placed in vhs :/


                                                                                                the system emasures all the stats u get relative to the stats of your teammates and the level of your games. stomping 1k makes u a 2k player, but not necesarilly 3k, 4k, or higher.


                                                                                                  after those amounts of games played 80% means shit


                                                                                                    Not really, if you play well enough the smurf detection treats you as very high skill. I've had a very high skill game on my second game in a smurf. You most likely are used to stomping at 2k, but there are a lot more factors to consider like:

                                                                                                    Creeps that died near you without last hitting, tower damage, hero damage, and a lot of other shit.

                                                                                                    Mors tua vita mea

                                                                                                      Im smarter then all of you xD You are ns cause,when u made acc, you dont chosed ,,i was played dota 2,, u chosed ,,im beginer,, ,,i played rts games,, or ,,i played hon lol,,


                                                                                                        You have 13 games, are you retarded?