General Discussion

General DiscussionAll pick

All pick in General Discussion

    It was nice to see other heros but srsly its retarded that one guy in cm decides about +25 or -25
    Its totally random who wims, when I was drafter I only lost one game, void goin moon rush and eate it to get aegis and a carry bh,but it looks lile 5% of all players have an idea jow to draft...same happens in random draft first pick are alwys some carrys for those who think sniper is broken, after a first pick sniper no1 wants to sup anymore amd it ends woth 3-4 hard carrys...what I want to say is that every one just picks and plays retarded when he can't get the hero he wants to play..I never had so many games without wards, mad feeders, 4 carrys or heros that need micro (eg. Lone) and skipping the ability bec of that...srsly I dont want to play lile when ap comes back?


      No one read that essay. Just play RD you trash can

      D the Superior
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