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General Discussionhelp me to reach my dreams :)

help me to reach my dreams :) in General Discussion

    i played 106 matches but still cant get any HS or VHS, i think im good and sometimes very good lol but still can't get HS or VHS. any good suggestion guys? :D


      play 1000 or 2000
      -> git gud

      Tento komentář byl upraven

        You have terrible Hero Damage as a hard carry, it looks like you blatantly follow hero guides without understanding what they say (I still do this too actually, sometimes, even when I question it), your CS is pretty low.

        It takes a lot more than 106 matches. I have almost 1k matches and I'm almost at 3k (2.6k current, was almost 2.8k once) for never having played a MOBA before.


          i would say getting to hs will require you 1300-2000 matches if you don't have any good friends, with good friends 500-1000
          vhs with no friends 2000-2900, with friends 1000-1500
          106 match is not even considered scratching the surface of considering to scratch the surface of the surface of dota ( i guess)
          basically just get good friends


            Hey man, alright so I might get flamed here because people will probably see this as a smurf and even though you're right hear me out. So I don't even have 1000 games played on dota 2 (I played dota 1 for about a month and Warcraft 3 for a lot longer). On my main I have about 400 games but that's beside the point.

            Now kid, I won't go through your games and tell you how you can improve and I by no chance am in VHS just yet (getting there though) I'm just telling you what I did (and still do).

            Alright here goes..
            So what XKUNKKAX above me said is somewhat true but I did this all by myself. All my friends are mediocre at the game so to improve I had to do this by myself. Yes, it's harder and I admit the game did become more of a chore to improve but I'm not mad at the progress I've made. I'm not trying to sound cocky by saying I'm better than them but sometimes friends can do more harm than good.

            Watch your replays. This is the main advice anyone can give a player. Yes I do this. When you do this you notice what you're doing wrong and then in your future games you need to make sure you don't do the fault again. You have to deliberately think about these faults and be pro active in game. It's very tiring (it was for me) but after awhile I got used to it and I got better as a player.

            Don't get mad at your team. Yes I know it's hard if someone's bad you can't help it, well you're gonna have to help it. Just ignore them. If they're being abusive in chat and/or calling others shit just mute them and move on. Don't feed their flame. Don't get mad. You're better than them remember?

            Be Happy. Always be motivational. Always see the good side of things. Say well played for a kill or a good team fight. Tell your team they're doing great. All this is really good for the team. If you had a bad team fight or someone on your team got caught out don't flame them, say bad luck maybe if you could play safer? Or team that was a bad fight we need to position ourselves better next fight.

            Watch professional dota players play. To list a few you should watch Arteezy, Dendi, Bulldog and SingSing. You should watch these players and see what they do and why they do it. Watch for specifics such as positioning in fights, when to push the lane, when to pull etc etc. Don't watch for fun. Watch to learn.

            Also watch professional dota. Pro dota 2 and pub dota 2 are two different games even. Pros play to a different standard so watching professional players versing each other is also really good in order to improve.

            If I've missed something or something's not clear tell me and I'll try to clarify :D

            Have fun improving :)


              Play 1000 more games and hope for the best?


                Normal Skill 0 < around 3200 MMR.
                High Skill 3200 < 3700 MMR.
                Very High Skill 3700 < Higher MMR.

                Not sure tho.


                  As I have once been told you're doing well because you're against potatoes and also your last games you have been losing against potatoes so think about that realize that you can get way better, analyze your replays, watch pros etc


                    Stop playing normal match practice coop bot & git Gud smurf! Hahahaha


                      Stop playing smurf and concentrate on your main account!


                        Can you tell me what are you learning with playing with bots ? Don´understand it. Only maybe you can practice last hitting.
                        Sometimes creating smurf can help you calibrate faster to higher tier, if you are good enough.
                        Somebody don´t want to spend hundred games of playing with terrible players who pick 5 carries or totally shitty picks.
                        I am starting to be tired from this.

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                        @KaitoKid Sama

                          Create another new account :-) stomp hard like this smurf I throw. :-)