General Discussion

General DiscussionLose Streak

Lose Streak in General Discussion

    what the actual fuck ? i lost 10 games straight man. This is the first time this has ever happened to me. Last 13 games i only won once. Does everybody have days like this too ? wtf.

    < blank >

      Yes, it's normal


        i lost 700 mmr in a week before

        20 games in row i lost


          thank you. that makes me feel better now

          Meat Spinner

            Yeah its kinda normal !


              arent you bored with using invoker all the time ? sorry off topic. haha.

              Meat Spinner

                Since hes been nerfed .. getting prblems ti play him but yeah I dont get bored with him .. pretty fun hero :-)


                  lol dont worry, i had a massive lose streak 2 months ago and now i had a crazy 13 winstreak, it all balances out eventually :)


                    As long as you have fun it don't matter if you win or lose.


                      Just ignore your loses and focus on your gameplay. You'll win eventually.


                        when u see u are losing , quit ... dont forget hidden pool is real

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                            I played this game -

                            Moron teammates tilted me so hard I had to abandon about 13 minutes in (it was like I was accidentally queued with a bunch of people 2000 mmr lower than me for some reason). It actually takes a fair amount to make me abandon nowadays - I'm careful so that I don't get low prio now that you have to actually win to get out 0_0.

                            Anyway after that game the bristleback on the enemy team proceeded to go on a 9 game losing spree and hasn't played Dota since -

                            It feels really good knowing that someone who beat you is having a bad time.

                            Also played this game - (yay zeus spectre yet again, and this Pugna holy shit...was out of reports so couldn't report him for intentional feeding)...anyway the Lich in that game was trash talking or at least attempting to.

                            After that match he abandoned the next one - - and then lost 9 and won only 5 and then abandoned again got out and then abandoned again. Since then he has been stuck in low priority and just keeps abandoning over and over and losing over and over again.

                            Meanwhile I have won my last 5 out of 6 games.


                              Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem

                                the game is balanced. after you get win streak, then you get lose streak and vice versa. better go out somewhere when you are tilted

                                ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                  I lost 20 games in a row once.


                                    My advice is: Never play tired, frustrated, nervous, hungry, thirsty ect., you get it. I played my last 6 games tired and i lost 3, which is pretty bad, and if i rested and then played, i'm pretty sure it would be 5-1 or 6-0.


                                      Also if you are a male, don't forget to fap, for me it affects performance. (I'm like serious, no joke on this one)

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                                        PERU AND CHILE on us servers,thats all