General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed some help

Need some help in General Discussion

    Preferably 6k+ players, but I know that pretty much none of them read this shit xD
    What's your build on drow? Like everything from starting items into small ones and why.
    What's your build on CK nowadays and what do you try to accomplish with him/ how do you play him? Build: stick, pt's, drums, hotd, armlet, manta, ac/heart? Situational hh, bkb? Any good replays to watch? I don't want to see some stomps or midlaner snowballing and others having a good game cuz of that but close shit where that hero did some good work.


      well about drow all I can say is she is shit. Nothing wrong with her, I just don't like her as a carry because there are so many better options imo. Some people may think otherwise and I understand that people can dominate with her too, but thats more in the 'lower' tier where shes not dealt with in close proximity. I find her way too risky, simple and has little utility and whatever utility that she has can be replaced by something/someone else that provides much more. Of course just like any other hero she is situationally good but I just find other carries to be so much better.


        ^I'm not interested in pub gameplay, mostly tournaments and she can fit in some drafts really well.


          depends honestly
          its not a good pick in tournaments cause it can get easily countered but if you pick it with ur last pick
          -1 aquila ring 1 wright band treds
          -helm of dominator -dagger
          -manta butterfly
          this are really the core items for her and sp as much as you can
          its good when you have a visage/ enchantress or a puck on your team

          great expectations

            (only 5k)
            if i know im going to be in some nightmare lane against stuff that can dive me and shit ill actually just start boots tango ff branch etc try to get 6 without feeding (tusk lanes, undying lanes etc when i have weak supps)
            if not wb tang against easy lane, circlet recipe 2x regen if not
            treads aquila hotd yasha lance is the best i think, upgrade hotd cos getting wolf/ogre/purge is super huge when you want to just 5 man down a lane. i rather have yasha lance vs sny cos sometimes if things dont go well and you can no longer 5 man push you need manta to farm dangerous areas cos u have no escape etc
            if 5 man continues, then go sny bkb into whatever u think suits ur purposes (blink, bfly, mkb, ac, eblade, daed, skadi w/e)

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            Dune, the Desert Planet

              For Drow, I'm currently experimenting with Aghs Mjolnir. Can't say that it's a great build for every situation.

              For CK, start with Shield, Tango, Mango, 2x Branch, FF or Shield, Tango, Mago, Salve, Branch. Get QB and PT at side shop. Wand. Helm of Iron Will into Armlet next, (skip versus AA or be careful with it). Drums afterwards, maybe get Bracer ealrier. SnY.

              Basically PT Wand Armlet Drums SnY TP.

              ^ Assuming you are doing good.

              If situation requires, Manta or Halberd can be substitute for SnY. Ofcourse, get BKB when you need it. HoT is by far best item for CK so that's first major item to get followed by AC, EoS, Satanic, Fly or another HoT.

              Just my two cents.

              Dune, the Desert Planet

                Badman plays a decent CK, check him out. Loda also IIRC.

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                    ^thats some good piece of advice


                      with a drow you basically want to cheese every lane extremely hard with the aura and go highgrounds with atleast a 10k gold advantage. aquila and hod are kind of core on the hero, afterwards you got the optional stuff like sny/manta/dragon lance and stuff. i generally prefer getting rax with first aegis and ending the game with second aegis. dont pick drow into crap like zeus or void
                      ck: basically what kitrak said


                        Alright, thanks. Never played or watched someone play them, but it looks like I was thinking the right way on how to play them, just wanted to make sure it's really the right way. Kappa

                        POS 1 HIGHLY PREF

                          I'm 6.4k mmr player. My advice is: don't pick drow. That's it.

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                              Drow is autowin, go treads aquilla drums, if you can finish the game go yasha else go sb (all of that pre 15 min btw)

                              ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                Shadow blade
                                Blink Dagger
                                boots of travel
                                And whatever other 3 items of your choice


                                  Can the other 3 items be dagon, ethereal blade and refresher?

                                  ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                    Or rapier


                                      best supports for drow?

                                      im thinking dazzle/venge? keep her alive even if they blow everything to kill her.

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                                          Aghs manta mjiolnir
                                          Maelstrom then manta then mjiolnir

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