General Discussion

General Discussion"The way of the Comeback" -mega thread?-

"The way of the Comeback" -mega thread?- in General Discussion

    Your best comeback stories down below please :D

    I will start, I was wk and was forced to go jungle (ik its not good), while I was killing the poor neutral creeps and their poor families my team was getting picked off in every single lane.
    A fight occurs in mid lane near the t2 so I decide to go down there and maybe stun someone for my team to kill, and for some reason that chained a double kill for me that is later shown to change the result of the match in a way no one has expected.
    My mid laner and supports have already called gg, so what I did after the double kill was considered gypsy and unreasonable.
    I realized that i saw myself wining this particular wk game and carrying my team in a huge comeback (in a dream)
    And i did, that day was a good day.

    Toto téma bylo upraveno
      bristle trashtalk spams "EZ GAME" after lane stage
      Best win I had in months


        @pa you carried that quite hard, and the other team had the lead till the end. so you mustv'e gotten yourself a triple kill- rampage in the last fight and went gg push, gj.

        Tento komentář byl upraven

          Nah we were behind for first 40 then dire played 30 mins of base defense


            50k xp comeback, all those rapiers were from enemy team


              the greatest 322 of all time?
              Im actually impressed


                @phantom assasin i can see u carry hard the game , late game anythg can happen ... once die without bb its gg.. btw, i love ur aggresive build on am



                  Fee Too Pee


                    Fucking Tuskar and Pudge like gay couples snowballing me everytime i show up from lvl 1 mid lane , die like every minute early game so frustating cannot even hit creep.
                    but they push kinda slow and lose late game because spectre still can farm anyway
                    BUT DAMN FUCK THAT TUSKAR



                      Sickest - SICKETS - comeback iv ever played in.

                      They focused me so fkn much, all gam elong.

                      Oh damn. I just went "fk this, i go a mek and wards weaver"

                      And well, look on the graphs.


                        I went OD mid and I got camped by a support against enemy mid PA who had ring of aquila so he just spammed Q on me, him and the support killed me like 4 times in lane.

                        PA snowballed and got like 17 kills

                        My whole team was talking shit to me, we lost all 3 sets of rax, but when they took the last rax, we killed all 5 of them ended the game in MID



                        OD + Veil + Ult = you have great chance of winning if enemy's bkb is down

                        Johnny Rico

                          When lesh was on the meta, the game turned when i got my euls ;
                          i turned my aoe on and we won all the high ground defences, it was minute 25 i had manaboots and euls;
                          the laning fase was horrible with ganking each minute;
                          but they could not pass the lesh ultimate defence;
                          ps my teammates didnt speak english;
                          after minute 50 they breaked our mid tower and racks i respawn and got a triple kill, them i pushed mid with the rest of team respawing as well, i pushed mid to ancient and the other guys made megas.

                          [ALL HAIL THE TINY SNEK GOD]

                            So after the first 20 - 30 mins I got 500+ ping so my friend started playing my morphing and I started playing his treant at about 60 mins the enemy team got megas but morphing was farmed so could beat the megas and the enemy team couldn't finish. Game carries on like this for 30 mins then morph rushes up mid takes the rax and dies, buysback. After a while treant walks into their base morph tps onto him and back doors to win
                            Easiest lag of my life