General Discussion

General DiscussionThoughts on quick cast?

Thoughts on quick cast? in General Discussion

    So, ever since the update, i've been trying it out, making a lot of mistakes and cursing the fact that you can't double click to use it on yourself, instead having to use alt to do it.

    But honestly, it feels really bad on some situations. I was so used to preparing the cast and waiting for my hero to move to the location, like with blink or dream coil. And that's another thing, no AOE indicator. But i guess quick casting really shines when you have to perform several actions at once, like with tinker.

    I also see that a lot of pro players don't use quick cast.

    Any thoughts on this?


      once u get used to it, it will be more efficient than normal cast in most cases. using quickcast for vacuum or chorono or osme other spells kinda sucks. u should use quickcast jointly with normal cast, ideally.


        Yeah i was thinking that, like for ember i'd make sleight nromal cast and everything else quickcast

        me, government hooker

          its more efficient but there are situations in which normal cast is better
          and thats mostly spells/items that can be applied on urself by double tapping
          fe i hate it so much not being able to put alacrity on myself only if i move my pointer on my hero or my portrait
          same goes for eul force staff etc and tp


            You get used to it pretty quickly. Lack of AOE indicator is surprisingly not an issue, you learn radius of the spells after using them several times. Back in the time I played a lot Dazzle and Omni and couldn't imagine living without double-click. And I missed it until I learned that there is a quickcast counterpart to this: Alt-click. It feels weird with force staff, but is perfect for Relocate.


              I only have QC enabled on Q and W because I used to spam Meepo a lot. It's actually really nice getting used to it for most spells. I don't like it for Ulti's though. I could get used to it, but I need the indicator for Chronosphere and stuff.

              It has messed me up on Bloodcyka though, accidentally Bloodraging creeps.