General Discussion

General DiscussionTrash talk, toxicity and stereotypes

Trash talk, toxicity and stereotypes in General Discussion

    So Russians, Peruvians and Pinoys have this stereotype about them being the most toxic players, on Dota, and that’s not true. Yes, there is more trash talk on Russian server games. But it’s not because they’re meaner people. It’s because trash talk is considered a part of the game in Russia. When a Russian calls you a cyka blyat, 90% of the time, they’re just messing around. They don’t really believe you’re acting like a bitch, they’re just saying that to mess with you. Yes, 80% of games in Russian servers have trash talk, but since 90% of those trash talks are simply joking around, only 8% of their games have actual ill-intentioned toxicity.

    Now, let’s look at American and European players. In American and European gaming communities, trashtalking is frowned upon as impolite, so there is less trash talk, let’s say only 10% of games have trashtalk. But since trashtalking isn’t considered fun, or a part of the game, there is very little playful trashtalking. Instead, 80% of their trash talk in those servers are legit angry trashtalk. When someone on a European or American server game calls you a fucking asshole, they’re not joking, they really believe you’re being an asshole. So 10%*80% = 8%, which is the same amount of ill-intentioned toxicity as the Russians.

    While I know that morals and values are not universal, I believe that one thing that is universal about morals and values is that all cultures consider intentionally doing harm to others is bad, and there is roughly an equal percentage of intentionally evil people in every country.

    Toto téma bylo upraveno

      Сука Блять tanginamo

      Tento komentář byl upraven

        no one likes a dirty russian


          the most vocal group are the english speaking community

          thats why u get complaints about pinoys, russians and peruvians who constantly spam chat in their own language.

          one syllable anglo-saxon

            Your stats are wrong. 80%+90%+8%=178%. There can't be more than 100.
            And 10%*80% is 800%, wtf are you writing. Russians can't even count? xD

            ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

              You know that 10% = 0.1 right


              Really, you sure you old enough to play Dota 2?

              one syllable anglo-saxon

                Yea, I think I forgot to put a smiley or some shit there. Poe's law tends to be a bitch to dumb kids like you.

                D the Superior
                  Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem

                    I facepalmed hard on that rikimaru

                    me, government hooker
