General Discussion

General Discussion2k's to 3k's

2k's to 3k's in General Discussion
Freddie Mercury

    When first i played ranked, it was a first 10 calibration ranked games. And I dont know it was so important to determine my mmr. I thought dota 2 would give me random numbers like 2k or 3k mmr.

    When I found many articles said that calibration is not a joke. Winning by high skill brackets is a bonus and give us high possible mmr. So, I threw all my 10 games to pass my calibration. And after that I got 900 mmr by winning 1 game. Then I found myself is so unlucky.

    After that, i struggled myself by winning every ranked matches. Then I managed to climb to 2k brackets which is okay to me. It took 5months to climb. U know sea servers right.

    Next, I want to keep going to another higher mmr brackets.

    Need help guys..

    sin blyadi

      Keep playing and watch replays
      All below 4k pts is where ppl learn how to play

      King of Low Prio

        I just boosted my girls account from 1.8k to 3k and it is literally about being better than your opponents. Be very clear what is needed. 2k players have a obsession with 5manning and sometimes I made the mistake of listening when I swapped from my 4k account. The one trick I can tell u is learn to cut creep waves 2k players have no idea how to deal with it

        yung griphook

          ^ what role did you normally play? Just curious

          Freddie Mercury

            Carry. Im always a last picker or 4th picker. Whenever my teammates picked all carry then i have to go for support.

            U can checked my profile. Lol

            King of Low Prio

              I played mostly mid or safe lane carry, if I wasn't feeling like fighting for lane I would pick BH but usually I would fight for last hits mid if required and eventually they would leave lane

              King of Low Prio

                I played QoP n TA early parts 2k then OD n Zeus closer to 3k when I needed more late game impact. For safe lane I would mostly go slark cuz their supports are awful and I snowball outta control (I won't play spec for the same reason that awful supports make me tilt)

                King of Low Prio

                  If you get stuck in safe lane make sure to stress to them that they should not be pulling small camps and just pull big camps by yourself if they don't listen


                    i had like 900% winrate in 2k-3k i dont remember, i think i played pudge meepo kunkka slark and some othe rhsit

                    yung griphook

                      how did you deal with the 5 carry dual lane lineups

                      King of Low Prio

                        Just convince one of them to buy courier and mute em all. Stall the game cutting waves and hope they eventually get their first item by 50mins

                        yung griphook

                          i meant playing against it. Did you go against any aggro dual lanes where you're like a slark and an alchemist comes and lanes with you?

                          King of Low Prio

                            yes it happened quite often, I just am better at last hitting then the average 2k player so I got majority of the last hits and eventually they went somewhere else


                              i would say just smurf to 5k


                                my first calibration started at 3.5k
                                and it fuckin ended in 1.3k hah
                                i feel u


                                  but if u wanna climb all the way
                                  zeus is mmr machine in 2k to ...


                                    Its hard to win in Sea but i win in japan and india more often its hard to practice and to know if im good with the heto if i have teammates with no sense of gameplay


                                      NoVoid is right, Zeus is good pick until 5k+. He's any easy-to-play pubstomper.

                                      King of Low Prio

                                        Just plz don't rush agh first item

                                        King of Low Prio

                                          Or ever really