General Discussion

General DiscussionAm I better support or carry?

Am I better support or carry? in General Discussion
BRAT villager

    Look at my profile and this picture for solo ranked.


      You're a better support.

      How about me? Am I a better support or carry?

      BRAT villager

        You have a 34% winrate and you've only played 5 heroes.

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        ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

          That one game where I had a ward in it was a support game.


            if I buy a ward and sell it back does that make me a support? I did buy a ward. How about if I just plant the ward in my own base? I still bought a ward and used it.

            ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

              You'd still be a support.

              Mang Kepweng

                You're better as a carry. You'll be placed in the Very High Skill Bracket faster with your stats when you use core heroes.

                BRAT villager

                  Thank you, Prae.


                    I would actually say you are a better support, coming from a person who supports a lot, supports have a very important job. A well played support can completely determine the outcome of the game; and if you want to gain mmr a couple well placed ults will certainly help to win the game. For you I would recommend support, you have had many good support games with a respectable KDA as well as a higher win rate with many of your carries. When it comes to what supports you should play, I would recommend Sand King, Witch Doctor, Crystal Maiden, Omniknight, Venomancer, Tidehunter, Disruptor, and Engima these supports all have incredible ults and many other abilities that can wreck havoc on the opposing team. Lastly I wouldn't say that you can only play support and if your teammates are willing to support then you should definitely take the opportunity to carry, you are a very skilled carry and shouldn't we forced into one role.

                    kunst 2

                      AM is better support than carry.

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                        You're a less worse support

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                          I don't know why you think that there's only 2 roles in DotA man.

                          BRAT villager

                            I don't know why you assume things

                            BRAT villager

                              @#Buns Thanks for the useful input


                                Looks like your best winrate is cm so maybe support