General Discussion

General DiscussionBiggest loss you ever had.

Biggest loss you ever had. in General Discussion
Johnny Rico

    Those games that you could have won, but something happened and you fucking lost.
    To me this game, i got a pretty bad early game but after minute 30 i was dominating teamfights;
    them in the end ember droped the rapier, it was the chance to win the game, i droped my dust, and the fucking earthshaker blinks and picks the rapier.........
    30 seconds after that he dies and the wind gets the rapier, he buys back sell all of his itens and dcs, the arc warden does the same, and i just fucking rage like never before, because of that i hate every earth shaker that does something wrong on the game to this day.


      I wish I could remember this game, but I've completely suppressed the awful memories. Now, I can't even fathom how we could possibly lose this.


        fucking jdl playoff, not recorded cz not ticketed


          This...This right here

          Thought this one was in the bag for sure.

          The AM had to be on some serious tilt. He never fought with us and instead of split pushing when they would attack he would just farm our jungle then go to theirs.


   wasted 2 hours of my life just to lose that match...

            Dire Wolf

              ha that's what you get for being a team of dirty split pushers.

              These two stand out cus they are recent.

              I was dominating this game pretty heavily but tinker was a fucking moron who would never fight with us and build aghs. Scoreboard doesn't really show but he was like 2-2-5 the first 40 mins, just tp'ing to lanes and using march, never fighting and of course with aghs not having items to blow anyone up anyway. We were way ahead kill wise but LD and brood kept split pushing our base. Brood got cocky and bought a rapier and I ended up with it so I yolo'd mid, 1v4'd their entire team cept ES, and almost got both t4s down, but I had like 50 hp and es came and killed me. So empty slot I bought another rapier but then they 5 manned us and took it and we lost. We had no business winning at that point, I was kinda shocked my yolo almost worked.

              This one beaten by a rat alch. We just couldn't ever push out. Anytime we were pushing a t3 alch was at our base about to take it all down. And I think necro had aghs in his bank, not sure, but refersher necro he couldn't take me out anytime end game. I think in retrospect maybe I should've sold diffusal and built an abyssal or something for more tower dmg.

              Dire Wolf

                oh and I've had a couple games where arc warden has dropped rapiers right before throne dropping. One he was on my side, had two rax down and the t4s, but no megas. He decides to send his real self to throne for who knows why, died, dropped two rapiers and then abandoned match cus of this giant fuck up.

                Another time I was on winning side, except we were pushing a rax while arc split push. For again who fucking knows what reason the real arc tried to help defend and we stole his rapier.

                If you are arc with rapiers sit in the fountain.


                  All my losses are biggest losses. Hurts deep inside my very core everytime I lose. Also I'm lonely. No one. Can wipe these tears.

                  Please call me

                  Moon :d

           .... :"( medusa 32 6 ,,,

                    this one messed up:

                    lastly 28 8 as spectre late game lose.. smh :

                    ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                      All of my games.


                        ^ lol


                 i believe it was 20 min in i was 12-0 with ember... fallout on late game... *hurt*


                   Will never forget this game . We were wining game then slark throws a bitch fit and does everything he can to not play but at same time not get abandon . Finally he goes without killing something too long and gets one . But by then I had split push there rax down. I spent the majority of the game trying to rat becuase void and dusa became too strong . Part way through I had to go pick son up from school I left for about 20 minutes rushing my ass off to pick him up . I come back and somehow I didn't have abandon and my team was defending 3vs 5 with Megan help ofcourse plus techies . Anyways I continue trying to rat until medusa finally leaves throne and just kills base . Slark was the biggest baby I may have ever met on dota . We still almost wo but couldn't quite close it out with carry quiting . Longest game I ever played . I guess if u count the 20 minutes I was missing off it wasn't the longest though :p.


                     Paired up with 1k MMR to fight against 3k-5k MMR and I helplessly got raped by enemy thanks to idiot captain who first pick hard carry.

                              "It appears the game is over before it even begins" Deathstroke

                                Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem

                                  Man i love calling core roles whenever game averages are too high. Also i can only play sven and spectre!

                                  So far 0% winrate!

                                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                                    Just had it. No clue how we lost this one. We had trouble breaking high ground, but managed to get mid rax. Then we couldn't catch anyone and before we knew it, gg. Gonna have to watch the replay to see where we went wrong.




                                      Troll slark we're winning early and mid game until he goes vanguard and farms slow lol.



                                          Nice easy 15 thousand exp lead throw. First 4 game losing spree in a while. Can't even win on fucking zeus any more. This is such a joke.


                                   we were behind the whole time in exp gain yet we managed to wipe them twice. Just can't close the game with those damn buybacks and spec refusing to reserve haunt for instabuyback return to teamfight.