General Discussion

General DiscussionHigh skill

High skill in General Discussion

    I really dont know how the hs and vhs works can you tell how to make to hs you can see my profile I do support most of the time and I only get normal skill


      in unranked there is still a hidden ranking that you have that is basically your mmr. the skill level is some approximation of what ranking you have

      in my experience in ranked high skill/very high skill is around 3k. anything above 3.5 is probably very high skill


        normal 0-3,2K
        High 3,2-3,7K
        Very high >3,7K

        And you are not playing support most of time. Don´t think that invoker is support

        Swap Commends

          "I do support most of the time", "I only get normal skill"
          Get gud


            JohnnyX@ is that ur data is true? so do u know how much is my mmr? i did calibrate 4 times.


              thereisSHIne: I don´t care how many times did you calibrate....i only wrote what was written 10000x times

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                Stop playing normal & practice bot xD haha