General Discussion

General DiscussionHow To Improve As Support Bounty Hunter

How To Improve As Support Bounty Hunter in General Discussion

    After watching certain Youtuber playing Bounty Hunter support in 6.86, i tried it and it was quite successful with 9 win - 4 lose (where 2 of the lose because some of our team picked random and then abandon). My KDA is also quite okay, 4.6, which is the highest now compared to my other heroes. It was quite fun and kinda like a change of pace from my usual support playstyle and i might try him on ranked now. However, before i start to use him there i wanted to ask some suggestion from you guys, especially about :

    - When to pick him as a support ?
    - What counter him ? (I think Slardar is kinda annoying to deal with as Bounty)
    - Item build in a specific situation ? For example, kinda confused what to build beside Urn for mana regen when some of my team had it as a core (like Phoenix and Pudge)
    - How to zone / annoy mid heroes ?

    Any tips and suggestion beside those four point would be appreciated. Thanks.

    Toto téma bylo upraveno

      -pick when u plan to fight a lot
      -an antimage on your team is your best counter
      -default itembuil is arcanes into mek into blink, followed by vlads/pipe/greaves/solar/etc.
      -hit then


        i have always good kda but i am playing normal skil can someone explane me why?