General Discussion

General DiscussionInvoker Aghanim vs hex

Invoker Aghanim vs hex in General Discussion
Kamado Kun

    Some guy gave me a tip in a match saying that going for aghanim early is not as effective as hex on invoker cuz Carl needs good light click and stuff. Its been a long time i dont play só in trying to figure out a good buy order. Also qw vs exort should interfere with my item build thx a lot.


      Why is there even a comparison between Ag and Hex.. They are 2 entirely different items and you don't need Hex every game.. You need Ag every game IMO.. Hex should be gotten if the situation demands it..
      If you are playing QW Invo get phase urn orchid ag and whatever else the game requires..
      Exort invo get Midas Euls Blink Ag Octarine..


        as fun as aghs is, you don't need aghs every game

        5 second cd isn't that horrible to a 2 second cd, especially when you're not trying to act cool with flashy plays, yeah throwing down an extra emp combo looks nice but is it really needed? not that much


          The go-to build nowadays for exort is midas drums (euls, blink situationally) aghs BoT octarine (and then hex, refresher, bkb, Shivas situationally). Aghs is not all about the cooldown, it also gives you +1 Point to each of your orbs, which definitely makes it a 100% buy every game. Normally you get it by around 20-25mins where these 3 points will make a huge impact on your effectiveness.

          Tento komentář byl upraven

            i have so much to argue against that but i wont bother, aghs is good a huge amount of the time but its not something you must get every game

            having that kind of rigid mindset is dumb and you end up sounding like all the people back then who insisted gyro could never be a carry or templar was a horrible mid, blablabla

            everyone prioritizes flashiness anyway, thats why you'd almost never see a storm getting bkb even situationally when he was meta or for the current case, ursas getting mom EVERY game (yes good item, no, not meant for every game


              U only need agha when ur lvl 16 before its shit, u buy it for 2 sek cd ult.when u dont have a terrible game you go items like shiva,hex,drums,blimk,orchid,staff or even deso first ,the item depends on the game


                Aghs is a terrible item to rush without levels. Plus his ult got so buffed on the last 3 patches that I wouldn't bother

                Whatever's viable on him, though I favor going 2fast drums euls and all that nonsense and a dagger. But Orchid and Urn seems like a rather popular build.


                  aghs is the first big item u get in 99% of games, idk what game are the above posters even playing

                  < blank >

                    That's why we suck on Invoker, you don't get aghs every game but I still build aghs no matter what huehuehue