General Discussion

General DiscussionMiscommunication/no communication in games. How to improve communicat...

Miscommunication/no communication in games. How to improve communication? in General Discussion

    This isn't only about the language preferences, though that does make a difference. But this is also about that one guy who understands what you're saying, speaks the same language and still refuses to tell you "yes" or "no" when you ask them to do something and then you don't know where they're going.

    It's usually with parties, too, so I hope for a button for "pls only match me with other solo players during solo games".

    For example, besides the usual language barrier, there are people who understand what you're saying and purposely ignore you.


    And then there was a party of 3 speaking English, but they just refused to listen to a single word I say. "Go Roshan". No reply. they keep talking to each other. "Are we going Roshan or not?" No reply. They keep talking to each other. "Okay I guess we're not going roshan". Then they replied. "OMG why did you leave Roshan?" "You suck riki" "why didnt you wait for us to roshan"

    Toto téma bylo upraveno
    Johnny Rico

      pinging on the skill helps, but since you only want kills when you play riki, you are asking to much, if you want people to communicate with you, you need to fix your playstile, in other games ask them to use chat well or ping the skills, but ask nicelly.

      ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

        I do ask them to use chat wheel or ping, but sometimes don't understand, and sometimes (especially English speaking duos/parties) refuse to communicate even if they understand.

        Also, by the way, if you can say "I don't understand what you're saying, ping pls" in any language pls tell me.

        Tento komentář byl upraven
        Johnny Rico

          use google translate.
          spanish = yo no entiendo que tu hablas, por favor ping.
          french = Je ne comprends pas ce que vous dites , s'il vous plaît ping.
          portugues br = eu nao entendo o que voce diz, por favor use o ping.
          Chinese = ding dong, ping pls.
          Ukrainian = putin is bad, ping pls.
          Czech = hitler was bad, ping pls.
          or just say "ping pls" anyone will get it

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          ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

            Some people just refuse to ping or pretend not to understand just because they hate you.

            Sometimes they say "omg shadow blade riki" and then they stop replying to my shotcalls or pings

            (also google translate isn't accurate)

            Tento komentář byl upraven
            Johnny Rico

              of course when you see a riki with shadow blade, something inside you just dies, if you are talking about dmg, a diffusal lvl 2 would benefit you even more.


                Euls is more useful on Riki than shadow blade.

                ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                  BTW online translators are pretty inaccurate.

                  For example, I had a Sniper in one of my games (probably) use an online translater for Russian

                  Sniper: Снипер мид Снипер мид Снипер мид (Sniper mid)
                  Sniper: Я мид. (I mid)
                  Sniper: Я мид, нет тебя. (I mid, not you)
                  Sniper: ОМГ инвокер нооб (OMG Invoker noob)
                  Sniper: Делать ты знает играть инвокер? (Do you know how to play Invoker)
                  Sniper: Я нет купить вардс, ты иди. (I dont buy wards, you go)
                  Sniper: Я говорить, ты купить вардс, нет меня. (I said, you buy wards, not me)

                  I didn't understand what he was saying until I thought about it word for word/