General Discussion

General DiscussionPrime example of 3k carries.

Prime example of 3k carries. in General Discussion

    Me and a mate were in a party i literally raped the early game and then decided to have fun after this sven was getting over zealous saying he should be playing at 5k lvl. not at his 3k. Also claiming that i'm bad.

    (note this is done at 3k lvl so obv being of a higher mmr you can achieve a score like mine) but it goes to show the difference from 3k 4k and 5k.

    My main question is why do people choose carry role if they cant?


      If they choose a carry when they can't they're probably even worse at support ya know.

      yung griphook

        that may be true, but you arent counting on your support to win you the game at 40 minutes

        ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

          Would you rather have a 0/20 support or a 10/10 carry?


            I would really prefer having a 0/20 support.. at least the carry can do what he is supposed to do.. plus if the support dies as many times he is kinddaa worthless anyway gold wise.. and maybe thay one or two things that he does (grave or false promise) that one team fight could have more impact that that idiot playing carry..

              Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem
              Johnny Rico

                You guys lost because you wanted to make megas, i already had many comebacks from teams that do that, in fact your team is pretty balanced, sup=cm, initiator=sb, carry=sven,silencer, and your pudge that can isolate any enemy hero on a team fight.
                Coming back to the topic, people fell safer, or better when they play a certain role on any game, i like to roam the map more than to stay in lane and last hit, some people like better to play carry than to play sup, since carry gives that fell of "power", where you can wipe the enemy team if you have farm and are good enough.

                Dire Wolf

                  lina with aghs + aa late = sucks for sven, he gets plastered for half his hp and then can't lifesteal = gg. You guys don't have much late team fight outside of sven. Plus that riki is pretty farmed (60 mins he should be) and no mkb, smoke + butter, sven can't get through that.


                    you coulda went ethereal and bkb and won game or something actually


                      I watched the replay, pudge you had 6.5k HP and instead saving money for buyback you bought second HoT which gave u only 5% HP increase. Also you lost in last fight by jumping between DK and Riki. Sad but even 6k HP was not enough to save you from this mistake.

                      Sven also could farm better, he had dominator but i didn't saw him stacking camps with creep. It is 1k gold every 4 minute from ancients, most important part of flash farming on this hero.


                        When your pudge is that fat... why not buy AC or Manta?


                          Like i said guys this sven wanted to prove that he could carry hence why i said i had fun after a certain point of the game. He was abusing me so i chose to kick back.


                            I just chose to not play properly after getting abusing saying im shit so i said to him okay goodluck with carry.


                              Guys i went a 2nd hot if you look i didnt care i was actually glad we lost ironically because it shut sven up. Moral if the story is dont get cocky and trash talk when someone is winning you the game otherwise people will not play 100% if i decide to keep trying i would of went heavens with an ac .


                                As the other said, some people prefer playing carry because they feel that 'power'. For me personally i prefer playing support because when you won and you did a good job (showed by your assist score), it feels really rewarding even though most of the time your team don't notice you xD

                                Btw, back to your match. Why don't you just ignore him ? I don't know how he abuse you but getting feed up by someone in the middle of the fight isn't good thing to keep inside of you. Just accept the fact that some people will definitely disregard your value, but then again someday you will find someone that knows your value. For example my last match where i also had a Pudge on my team. He really did a good job shutting down NP and i really respect that by chatting on the team.


                                  So to prove a point, you threw the game instead of just ignoring him like the scrub he is?

                                  I doubt the enemy team thinks the Sven is better than you, and they just picked him off cause he's an ez pick off. Also I don't think that the sven was a prime example of a 3k carry. 3k is like a mix bag, you'll never know what you're gonna get.

                                  To me, that makes it more fun/challenging but I do agree there are moments where it will make you pull your hair out.

                                  But in all seriousness, I hope you got reported. People try hard to climb in 3k, that's why most of them feel like they should be in 5k. It takes a strong willed person to just go on their way and win them the game one way or the other.


                                    See the thing is i usually rage which is not good. It does make me feel better to make a person aware that they are bad but it honestly gets you no where besides reported. Well i just personally hate it when people talk but cant back it up. Im a 4k player im not gonna sit here saying i should be 6k part of it is luck ( depending on your teammates) and other is your personal skill cap. It shits me when people cant acknowledge that and take it when someone clearly better then them is telling you what item build to go. He just didnt listen to me at all!


                                      Then the solution is simple.

                                      Mind your own game, then win the whole game. That simple. Is it really hard to mute someone who smack talks all the time? People do it to me all the time and it works out fine.

                                      Smack talk in mic, serious talk in chat. That's how i role.


                                        Anyone imo below 3500 is just mediocore ive boosted a few friends from 2500 3000 to like 4k and within 1 month they were back down to 4k that goes to show that if you are skillful enough you can outplay and carry yourself to higher mmrs. Like yourself you normal skill bracket and high skill. Try playing at vhs games get intense.


                                          Honestly I would play support phoenix every game if every game could be like this -

                                          Carry who knows what he is doing, has a stun or slow, goes the correct new skill and item build (also played quite a few recently with people who have picked Sven thinking he is meta but going the max stun and blink mask of madness and failing hard). Supported in a trilane by another support with a good teamfight ultimate who provides a good secondary source of lockdown and can also farm the jungle during the downtime instead of splitting exp so we don't end up underlevelled and underfarmed 10 minutes in. Offlane and mid who hold their own are all that are necessary.

                                          Then have 4 out of 5 players using the mic, communicating and making calls and actually agreeing to do things when someone suggests a a call (rather than the 3 atrocious disgraces of last night where not a single person listened to anything I said about pushing while we had the advantage (aegis+pipe+one enemy dead) and instead they just wanted to sit back and keep farming against a spectre/zeus/meepo/gyro/legion commander lineup - rofl fucking mao.

                                          When people have good line ups and listen to what I tell them to do we usually win. When we get retarded ass line ups and nobody listens to when I suggest things we almost always lose.

                                          Problem is that if I pick support phoenix and I don't have the trilane to back us up then I'm a support phoenix against an aggressive dual lane while our own offlane are terrible and just feed their safelane. This is why I'm only going to play in parties of at least 3 or inhouses if they are available from now on. I'm actually completely done with solo queue.


                                            It's fun, seeing how shit players around 3k are, getting an early advantage and repeatedly dying while pushing towers only to find out teammates turned around for some reason and went to the jungle to farm neutrals after a won fight. This is not to say I am some sort of super player, I don't have as much time on my hands to sit behind a PC and play dota, usually I random and hope to get a support or swap for a support, but don't tell me Valve has chosen me to top up teams of 4 retards, because I am nice and polite and don't thrashtalk people unable to last hit, carry a tp, deny and play objectives.


                                              nice complaint thread, very interesting


                                                More of an insigh to how imbalanced games can get when people start switching up their roles or best heros. Which is why RD is interesting to start seeing people fall that 600 mmr that they gained with zues od.