General Discussion

General DiscussionXPM, GPM

XPM, GPM in General Discussion

    How to get >500 GPM & XPM per match!!
    (In Normal Skill)

    Toto téma bylo upraveno

      play core heroes, farm more, kill more, what else.


        In normal skill u can get >500 gpm with any hero.


          practice last hitting and don´t waste you time roaming around map. You need to spend most time on farming and killing.


            Try your best

            wagyu enjoyer

              farm where enemy heroes arent

              @KaitoKid Sama

                Get anti mage, rekt enemy easy at normal skill brackets :-) look at my first game. Normal skill.:-)

                Dire Wolf

                  literally win any game with a carry and you should have more than 500 gpm and xpm.


                  you don't even have to stomp

                  this one is close and I'm a 3/4 spot
                  this one got carried by fucking omni knight and still broke those numbers

                  real question should be how to break 700 gpm, that's an actual goal to shoot for. Most carries should be close to 500 gpm in losses. Actually if you know what you are doing and are a 1 or 2 spot, like a safe lane or mid carry, if you do under 500 gpm you're lane probably got shutdown and you lost. It's rare to win a game on the carry and have in the 400s gpm. It happens on spectre sometimes if it goes late enough, used to happen on sniper sometimes cus of his high ground, but on a sven or medusa who should be out farming to win 400 gpm = loss.


                    GET GOOD AT THE GAME lol
                    literally the easiest in normal skill

                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                      normal skill? i donno y i in vhs then i party a guy i meet in vhs the game go normal skill , no wonder we stomp so hard...