General Discussion

General DiscussionGood heroes to play ?

Good heroes to play ? in General Discussion

    Hey! I need some good heroes to play for inexperienced players. You can look at my few games to see what i'm good at, and feel free to give advice! Thank you.


      OD .. thank me later.

      D the Superior
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        Miku Plays


          5 man rape ball machine


            Currently spamming Clinkz in my 4k mmr bracket. If u get the positioning perfect, game is ez to win


              inexperienced > invo picker, fcking logic


                Ok cool. Can anyone tell me what i did wrong in my last AM match?


                  chaos knight is pretty straightforward and satisfying hero, and probably good for new players because you can get kills, and feel like you're doing something (and you are). if you want to play a support, sand king is a great hero all around that I think is fun and easy to understand, mind just that his ultimate's a little tricky to land. see if you have any luck with those two would be my recommendation for someone of your skill level (I took a look at your profile to make sure you hadn't played either)

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                    to add, judging from the stats you did more than fine in your AM game. i don't have the time to watch it right now but I'm sure there were lots of areas you could have improved, there always are and it was your first game with the hero. since you're so new though, I'd say just move on. sometimes the draft/players just aren't in your favour, and so you keep going and play the next game.

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                      Ok thanks! I will try out Chaos/ supporting


                        Man, apfoss i did terrible as CK, didn't get cs early on and their team was fed.


                          gyrocopter is a pretty braindead easy carry. learn to last hit and stack, then you pretty much mastered the hero. aside from positioning ofc. sven is similar in the sense that if you last hit and stack you pretty much win the game. watch pros play heroes before you play it yourself. dont watch total stomps. watch games where the player youre watching has a huge impact.

                          ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!


                            Of course Riki....


                              Great pickup for starters is wind ranger. She's really versatile and can teach you a lot. She's also a ton of fun! I also recommend giving kunkka, gyro, and terror blade a try when you're ready.