General Discussion

General DiscussionI still don't get why people give a shit about killsteal

I still don't get why people give a shit about killsteal in General Discussion

    Just shush about it already, Riki is a carry so chill.

    You rather have the carry Riki take the kill rather than the support Crystal Maiden.

    Really, a support Crystal Maiden yelled at me for killstealing.

    Disposable Hero

      Im guessing that your around 2k based on your dotabuff, so pritty much most people at that rank will think that if they started to get a kill they will think they own it. so just tell them that dota is a team game and they are just being greedy they usually stop when i get that in games


        I rather have a crystal maiden take the kill if she pushes. You only go for kills so its useless for you to have the farm. You have an average of 100 tower damage and you wonder why you lose so many games


 This WR noob think that kill matter so we rekt her ancient and get to enjoy her rage (At least she tried so I add an insult to injury for her to make her rage more because I want to ruin this trash talker bitch's day that she wish she never do that.)

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            Op how many games do you need to win to leave low prio?