General Discussion

General DiscussionIs hard to reach 5k once u get 4k when u were 3k and in a moment of u...

Is hard to reach 5k once u get 4k when u were 3k and in a moment of ur life u were 1.8k? in General Discussion
\\  VintageR  \\



      No, since you clearly climbed to 4k from 1k, it's not that surprising to reach 5k


        i did it

        me, government hooker

          how do u get 4k when ure 3k
          am i high rn


            idk i just won every game in 3k
            but i was stuck in low 4k for months

            \\  VintageR  \\

              hmmm prolly i will get stuck in low 4k for months, but i surely will climb out :)

              Livin' Real Good

                I was 1.9, now 4.1, I just fuck around in pubs a lot now though, and troll with my friend party ranked, i'm not sure if i'm up for 5K solo MMR, I can't deal with that again. Gonna try to get 5K Party, Dota 2 is so much more fun playing with friends, and people you can depend on, probably why it's easier to get 5K party! :D Good luck!

                Tento komentář byl upraven

                  5k is for 5k players, u will drop to the trench if you are not 5k innate ok?

                  Jon Snow - M U T E D

                    No, the secret is if you are on a winning streak like (6-8 games) then suddenly lose 2 consecutive matches, Stop playing. Cause Valve teams you up with players that have losing streak. you can check once the game is loading, check your temmates and you will see red days 1 or 2 of them. Its not really good, esp when they are picking Core heroes. Trust me, I've been in that shit where i peaked 4.7 then dropped again 4.3.. my average is 4.5 since the last 2 months.

                    Swap Commends

                      Is it hard to get gud?No


                        i want to be teamed up with players with huge losing streaks


                        because they were originally players with much higher mmrs

                        i'd take them over that 4k scrub who got a lucky win spree and just made it to 5k and think he's hot sauce


                          @nami mid or jungle I can catch ur thread of thoughts but I on the other hand instantly dodge matches after ~6+ winstreak when I see hidden pool. Those people not only come from higher MMR but are mostly: Egoistic, deviant, genuinely trash, former luck players, on a tiltfest because of the sudden drops, reported for numerous reasons... just a no. A machine still can not rate a person's playstyle, precise skill and most important CURRENT MOOD and other various circumstances affecting him. I believe in the MMR System I truly do (because the amount of smurfers and acc buyers is still in the statistical fault treshold), but 6k players are still trash on a regular basis and the trench never ends. The only thing u can do is play better and better yourself and remember it's called solo queue for a reason.


                            Yeah, I'm also not going for 5k coz I can't pick storm in solo ranked without losing the game just by picking storm.


                              @Jon snow ROFL brb grinding to 8k like this after 2 games I will go nmm and lose 10 in a row so obviously volvo will put me with the best players and I will win every game till 8k ez profit.


                                how to get high mmr ? it depends on what